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US Senator Orrin Hatch
February 29th, 2008   Media Contact(s): Mark Eddington (Hatch) (202) 224-5251
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Washington – Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), the co-chairs of the Senate Tanker Caucus, made the following statements today after the Department of Defense awarded the contract for the development of a new fleet of aerial refueling tankers, the KC-45, to the Northrop Grumman/European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company.

“We applaud the fair and open process used by the Pentagon in conducting the competition for the next generation tanker contract,” Senator Conrad said. “The Air Force conducted a rigorous and highly transparent analysis, and we strongly believe that all parties should support its decision. Our war fighting ability can’t wait for protests or delays. It is vital to the defense of our nation that we get these new tankers off the assembly line and into the air as soon as possible.”

“To maintain global air supremacy, the United States needs to carry the fight to the enemy – wherever they may be hiding,” Senator Hatch said. “However, we would not have that capability without our nation’s tanker fleet. Therefore, the procurement of 179 KC-45 tankers is essential. Over the past year, the Air Force has gone to great lengths to keep interested members of Congress fully informed of the status of the procurement competition.”

The current fleet of aerial tankers contains the oldest planes in the Air Force inventory. The average age of the KC-135 — the main tanker aircraft — is more than 45 years, a factor that has led the Air Force Chief of Staff to identify tanker replacement as his top acquisition priority.

The contract to procure 179 KC-45 tankers is expected to be worth about $40 billion over 10 to 15 years.


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