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United States Senator          Serving the Citizens of Idaho

Larry Craig

News Release

Susan Irby (202)224-8078
Will Hart (208)342-7985

For Immediate Release:
November 14, 2007

Idaho, Wyoming and Montana Delegations Fight for Snowmobile Use to Remain Open in Yellowstone

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressional members from Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana sent a letter today to the Director of the National Park Service, encouraging her to continue to allow winter public access to Yellowstone National Park by the means of snowmobile use.

"As residents of the Intermountain West we share a love of the outdoors and the beautiful lands our region offers," the Delegations wrote in the letter. "As such, the preservation of our national parks is something we are deeply concerned about. We recognize that these parks require skillful and careful management to ensure that future generations will experience these national treasures."

The three state Delegations agree that some of the nation's most valued possessions are the nation's parks. By allowing reasonable, managed snowmobile use, the public will also be able to enjoy these treasures in the winter months.

The text of the letter follows:

Dear Director Bomar:

We are writing to convey our concern for the continued public winter access to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks and the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway.

As residents of the intermountain west we share a love of the outdoors and the beautiful lands our region offers. As such, the preservation of our national parks is something we are deeply concerned about. We recognize that these parks require skillful and careful management to ensure that future generations will experience these national treasures.

While we are obligated to preserve these parks for future generations, we feel there is also an obligation to the current generation to allow access to these public lands. We believe that reasonably managed snowmobile use, which allows the public to enjoy some of our nation's most valued possessions, can be consistent with the goals of conservation and preservation. Therefore, we strongly encourage the Park Service to maintain a significant level of oversnow access to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks and the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway.

We fully recognize this is a complex issue. We appreciate the efforts of the Park Service thus far, and look forward to working with you on this important matter.


There is also a printer-friendly version (PDF) of this release available.

A copy of the letter is available here.