Congressman Mike Ross Newsletter August 29, 2008

August 29, 2008
Congressman Mike Ross - Arkansas's 4th Congressional District

Today's National Debt:  $9,394,354,380,955.73
Your Share:  $30,891.15

Dear Friend,

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are creating an entirely new generation of veterans.  The Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that in 2009 the system will treat 5.8 million patients, 333,275 of which are Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.  I have made veterans a focus of my work in Washington not just because I believe that we owe soldiers a debt of gratitude, but because I believe in my heart that we have a responsibility as a nation to care for our American family members who have answered the call of duty. 

I worked with my colleagues in the House of Representatives to pass the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act of 2008 and I am proud that President Bush signed it into law.  This legislation represented the largest increase for veterans in the 77 year history of the VA and prevented fee increases for veteran’s health care to ensure our veterans receive the quality health care and benefits they have earned.

As the bill was being considered, I heard from many veterans throughout the Fourth Congressional District regarding the inefficiency of the VA due to an outrageous amount of backlog claims.  Therefore I am proud this law included $11.9 billion that will enable the VA to add more than 1,100 new claims processors to significantly reduce the 400,000 claims backlog.

Unfortunately, many veterans in our rural communities are often geographically deprived of access to a local VA facility.  As a member of the Congressional Rural Veterans Caucus, I recently co-sponsored H.R. 3008 or the Rural Veterans Services Outreach and Training Act.  This bill would improve outreach and assistance to those living in rural areas by training Rural County Veterans Service Officers to help veterans who would otherwise have to drive several hours to the nearest VA Regional Office.

Earlier this year I also co-sponsored and helped pass in the House H.R. 3793, the Veterans Guaranteed Bonus Act.  This bill prevents the unfair punishment of our nation’s wounded warriors and the families of fallen service members by requiring the government to provide full payment of any and all remaining enlistment bonus or similar benefit no later than 90 days after the date of retirement, separation or death of the service members.

I am more inspired by our soldiers every time I meet with them.  On my recent trip to Iraq earlier this month, I noticed among the heat, sand and gunfire, their spirits remained high and their love of country remained strong.  I will continue working in our nation’s capital to ensure our soldiers have the support they deserve from their government.  Without their courageous service and sacrifice, America would not continue to stand as a beacon of hope, opportunity and freedom around the world.


Mike Ross Signature
Mike Ross

Mike hosts a luncheon for area business and civic leaders at the University of Arkansas at Monticello on Aug. 21 to discuss alternative energy sources such as biofuels and their potential impact on the economy. Pictured from left are Mike, State Representative Allen Maxwell, UAM Chancellor Jack Lassiter, Dawn Prasifka of the Centers for Youth and Families, and Zach McClendon.

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