Congressman Mike Ross Newsletter February 15, 2008
February 15, 2008

Today's National Debt:  $9,252,448,288,865.30
Your Share:  $30,492.35  

Dear Friend,

This week I introduced bipartisan legislation to increase our nation’s energy security and to put our nation on a path towards energy independence. My comprehensive legislation, the “American-Made Energy Act of 2008,” will make significant investments in alternative and renewable energy, and encourage increased domestic production to address our nation’s failed energy policies, as well as rising gas and electricity prices.

America has been dependent on foreign oil far too long and we must begin to develop our own energy resources. Securing America’s energy future and putting substantive policies in place to drive down our soaring energy costs requires a multi-faceted approach, which consists of increasing our domestic energy production, encouraging the use of alternative and renewable energy sources, promoting conservation, utilizing energy efficient technologies and helping our working families who are being strained by ever-increasing energy prices.

My legislation will not only help reduce our dependence on foreign sources of oil, but it will reinvest the revenue from the sale of our increased domestic energy production into energy sources like cellulosic ethanol and biodiesel, which creates new American jobs. At a time when Americans across the country, and especially here in Arkansas, are paying the price for America’s failed energy policies, we must begin to invest in America to provide relief to our working families, farmers and small businesses. We can become energy independent and be better stewards of our environment. My bill is a realistic approach to utilizing new technologies that will create new jobs here at home, and make our nation more secure.

For more information and details on how the “American-Made Energy Act of 2008” aims to increase our nation’s energy independence, please visit my web site.


Mike Ross Signature
Mike Ross

Mike gets an up close look at a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle in Washington, D.C., after test driving the a prototype in 2006.

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