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US Senator Orrin Hatch
September 18th, 2007   Media Contact(s): Heather Barney (801) 524-3341
Jared Whitley (202) 224-5251
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Senate Votes 57-42 to Stop Bill’s Progress
Sen. Hatch and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton following the Senate vote on the DC/Utah voting rights bill.
Washington – Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) today on the Senate floor defended a bill that would grant a fourth seat in the House of Representatives to Utah and a voting representative to the District of Columbia. The U.S. Senate voted 57 - 42 on a procedural motion to move forward with the bill, which required 60 votes to pass. Hatch promises to continue fighting to make sure that Utah and the District get appropriate representation in the House.

“Opponents of this bill are on the wrong side of history,” Hatch said. “The District of Columbia will, eventually, receive voting representation in the House. But more than that, those who voted against this bill did a grave disservice to the people of Utah, who saw this as an appropriate way to right the injustice our state suffered in the 2000 Census. I’m not going to give up on this, but I regret that the Senate didn’t rise to the occasion today. Regardless, I want to thank Sen. Bennett, Utah’s three House members, Gov. Huntsman, and the Utah state legislature for their combined efforts on this issue.”


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