Foreign Affairs
Congressman Blumenauer, who served on the House International Relations Committee from the 107th through the 109th Congresses, believes that Americans, blessed to live in the richest and most powerful country on earth, have a responsibility to create a better, safer world for all of its inhabitants. Leading the world on challenges as diverse as peace, poverty, human rights, and global warming is both the right thing to do and helps promote national security and economic well-being at home.

Promoting a More Peaceful World

Ending Global Poverty

Strengthening Human Rights and Democracy

Preventing Global Warming

Promoting a More Peaceful World

Congressman Blumenauer believes that the United States needs a proactive agenda to address conflict and terrorism. Those extremists who have attacked us in New York and Virginia, as well as our allies from Madrid to Bali, and continue to try to harm Americans because of an implacable ideology of hate must be confronted and defeated. But the broader struggle for security can only be won by dealing with the political conditions that extremists exploit to gain the sympathy of their communities and recruit new followers.

We must undertake the difficult, yet critical, task of engaging directly and honestly with Iran and Syria, despite their often destructive and destabilizing roles. The lack of serious diplomatic relationships strengthens those who seek chaos and isolation, while leaving the U.S. with fewer levers of influence and more blind spots than we can afford. It is also past time for greater United States involvement to advance the vision of a secure Israel and an independent Palestinian state living side by side through serious negotiations leading towards a final status agreement.

Congressman Blumenauer was also a staunch and early opponent of the Iraq War. To learn more about Congressman Blumenauer’s position on the Iraq War, click here .

Ending Global Poverty

The fight to end global poverty is one the most important moral challenges of our times and Congressman Blumenauer is a leading champion in this effort. He regularly leads the fight for aid, trade, and debt relief policies that support poor people struggling to lift their communities out of poverty. Helping people improve their standard of living also helps prevent conflict and creates new markets for American exports.

Congressman Blumenauer supports significantly increasing the amount of money we invest in ending poverty around the world, which is currently less than 1% of the federal budget. He has been the leader in Congress for helping to increase access to safe drinking water and sanitation for poor people, the lack of which is the leading cause of preventable death in the world.

Strengthening Human Rights and Democracy

Congressman Blumenauer, a member of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, is a strong advocate for human rights and democracy. While there are limits to our ability to impact what goes on in other countries, he believes it is particularly important that the United States always model and advocate our deepest held values.

Congressman Blumenauer is a staunch opponent of torture, whether committed by the United States or despotic regimes across the globe. He strongly supports the Geneva Conventions and the obligations of the laws of war. He has regularly led the charge to prohibit torture and close down the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Congressman Blumenauer also believes that the United States shouldn’t be funding the regimes that stand in the way of the free exercise of democracy. He has led the charge to cut military aid to countries such as Egypt and Pakistan and redirect it towards improving the lives of people around the world.

Preventing Global Warming

Congressman Blumenauer views global warming as the leading long-term challenge facing the world. As a member of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming , he has been helping to make the United States a leader in the fight against global warming. To learn more about Congressman Blumenauer’s positions on global warming, click here .