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New Jersey Seal

Senator Lautenberg - On the Issues

Working to improve the quality of life for all New Jersey families, Senator Lautenberg has fought to provide opportunities for every citizen.

As the top Democratic member of the Senate Budget Committee, Senator Lautenberg helped negotiate the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, which restored fiscal discipline to the Federal government, ended years of deficits and raids on Social Security, and actually created large budget surpluses. This helped keep interest rates low, increased business investment, and contributed to the greatest period of economic growth in our nation's history.

Senator Lautenberg has also been a strong proponent of keeping taxes low, especially for middle class families. The 1997 budget law, for example, included significant tax cuts for families with children. Senator Lautenberg also supported tax deductions to offset college costs, and abolishment of the so-called "marriage penalty." And he voted against the two largest tax increases in American history, in 1990 and 1993.

Beyond restoring fiscal discipline and supporting middle class tax relief, Senator Lautenberg has focused on promoting economic development in New Jersey. He's done it town-by-town, rolling up his sleeves to secure federal help for renewing local business districts like Pennsgrove and Paterson, or upgrading critical local transportation links from Cape May to Paramus.

Senator Lautenberg has fought to preserve or expand federal installations like McGuire Air Force Base, and win federal projects that create jobs from Moorestown to Princeton. Nationally, he's promoted technology and investment by backing tax credits for research and for investments in new businesses; by writing tough laws that punish foreign companies that steal American inventions; and by promoting federal defense conversion programs that put defense technology to work creating non-defense jobs.

He's fought for trade laws that are fair, protecting jobs at home and opening markets abroad. To prepare workers, he's backed programs for apprentices to smooth the transition from school to work.

Senator Lautenberg also has made it a priority to support programs critical to the economic security of average New Jerseyans. He has always strongly supported Social Security and Medicare, and opposed privatization plans that would lead to deep cuts in guaranteed benefits. He also has supported efforts to increase the minimum wage and provide workers with the job training they need to succeed in an ever more complex and technological economy.

Making Americans more secure

Senator Lautenberg’s life has been shaped by his Army service, and he has led many efforts to make Americans more secure. As a member of the Intelligence Committee and the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, he worked to keep our military strong, while improving pay and living conditions for our troops.

Senator Lautenberg has also been a leader against terrorism. He wrote the law banning foreign aid to states that sponsor terrorism. He authored legislation to deny tax breaks to companies that operate in states that actively support terrorism. He led efforts to increase US opposition to Hamas and other violent fundamentalist organizations in the Middle East. And he wrote the law that allows victims of terrorism to collect damages from countries that sponsor terrorist acts.

To improve the security of Americans here at home, Senator Lautenberg has worked hard to reduce crime and fight the scourge of gun violence. Over the strong opposition of the National Rifle Association, he won enactment of the law banning wife beaters and child abusers from owning guns. He was the leader in efforts to close the gun show loophole. He successfully blocked a program that gave guns back to convicted felons. He also supported a variety of other measures, such as the assault weapons ban and the Brady Law, to reduce gun violence. In addition, he cosponsored legislation to abolish parole and toughen penalties for violent criminals.

As the grandfather of 10 children, Senator Lautenberg believes that a healthy environment is one of the most important legacies we can bequeath to future generations. He worked to pass the Safe Drinking Water Act and fought for extra treatment of drinking water to prevent vulnerable children from being poisoned by contaminants. He has also worked to preserve open spaces and keep our beaches and oceans clean and swimmable.

Clean beaches are crucial to New Jersey, which depends on the billions of dollars that Shore tourism pumps into our economy. To protect this resource, Senator Lautenberg wrote laws to require testing of beach water so our children don't get sick, to ban ocean dumping of sewage, to get garbage off our beaches, to control medical waste, to prevent oil spills and to stop oil drilling off our Shore.

The Senator has also worked to renew and improve the cleanup of Superfund toxic waste sites. He wrote the federal law to give citizens the right to know about the toxic emissions that companies spew into the air, water and ground. He drafted "brownfields" legislation, now law, to clean up abandoned industrial sites and promote economic development. He established a program to prevent pollution before it becomes a problem. And he helped create and expand federal parks and refuges, like the Sterling Forest, the Forsythe and Cape May refuges, and the Coastal Heritage Trail in South Jersey. He currently serves as the ranking Democratic member of the subcommittee on global warming.

Investing in children: Education and mentoring

Senator Lautenberg firmly believes that the key to his success was a quality public education that allowed him to take advantage of the GI Bill and succeed in college. He is committed to ensuring that today's children have the same opportunity.

Unfortunately, too many schools are in poor condition and lack sufficient access to modern technology. To help our local school districts pay for crucial school building modernization, Sen. Lautenberg sponsored the Public School Modernization Act, to provide $25-billion in zero-interest bonding authority. New Jersey's share, estimated at $545 million, could have translated into about four million square feet of school renovation and construction.

But Senator Lautenberg knows that some of our at-risk children need special one-on-one help. That's why he sponsored the Juvenile Mentoring Program Act -- or JUMP -- in 1992. One study showed mentoring produced dramatic results at a cost of just $1,000 a match. Compare that to the roughly $25,000 a year we're forced to spend to put someone in jail once they've dropped out of school and turned to crime or drugs.

Roads, rails and runways are key to new century

Before he ran for public office, Senator Lautenberg ser ved as a commissioner on the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. He knows that a well-balanced and efficient transportation system is absolutely vital to maintaining a strong economy in New Jersey.

As a key member of the Senate committee with jurisdiction over the highway program, Senator Lautenberg took an active part in crafting legislation to increase transportation funding. Similarly, as Lead Democrat on the Senate Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Lautenberg strongly supported sound investment in our nation's infrastructure, and worked hard to secure hundreds of millions of dollars for New Jersey's highways, mass transit systems, airports and ports.

Senator Lautenberg also led the fight to authorize and fund a national Intelligent Transportation Systems program because he believes we are going to need smarter roads and vehicles to move both commuters and commerce efficiently in the next century. These types of initiatives can help reduce traffic and eliminate gridlock.

Besides building new transportation systems, Senator Lautenberg believes we must make our roads, rails and skies safer. Besides cutting into teen drunk driving by encouraging states to make 21 the national drinking age, Senator Lautenberg wrote the law establishing a national .08 blood alcohol standard. Senator Lautenberg also successfully fought attempts to expand the use of dangerous triple trailer trucks and other longer combination vehicles.

Because passenger rail service is a necessity and not a luxury in today’s world, Senator Lautenberg is a strong supporter of Amtrak. He has fought to make Amtrak stronger and improve passenger rail service.

Standing up for what he believes

Senator Lautenberg stands up for what he believes. He has taken on special interests like polluters, tobacco companies, the liquor industry and the gun lobby. He even took on his colleagues by banning gifts from lobbyists, and has challenged Presidents of both parties when he thought they were wrong.

In a place that's often plagued with gridlock, Senator Lautenberg has always worked to cut through the delays and indecision. He has persisted and made a difference.