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Rahall_08_06_05 | Print |

Statement of U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall, II
Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources

H.R. 2306 (Peterson) and H.R. 3699 (Oberstar)

Distribution of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Judgment Fund

June 5, 2008

The Committee on Natural Resources is meeting this morning to receive testimony on two bills authored by two very good friends of mine: H.R. 2306, sponsored by the distinguished chairman of the Agriculture Committee, Collin Peterson, and H.R. 3699, introduced by the distinguished chairman of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Jim Oberstar.

Both of these bills address the distribution of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Judgment Fund.  After decades of litigation and negotiation, a $20 million settlement was reached.  Each of the bills before us takes a somewhat different approach as to how the funds would be distributed among the six bands that comprise the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe.

Some of my friends stand with Mr. Peterson and his bill while some of my friends stand with Mr. Oberstar and his bill.  To take a phrase from former Chairman Mo Udall:

I stand with my friends on this matter.

I commend both gentlemen from Minnesota for their hard work on this important issue and welcome and thank the chairmen and chief executive of the six Bands of Chippewa who have traveled here to be with us.  I look forward to your testimony.

Thank you.
