Page Program

Pages are high school students that are hired to serve as a support staff for Congress. These students spend part of their time taking regular academic classes and the rest delivering correspondence, running errands and helping the House's Administrative staff in the Member's Cloakroom and on the House floor.

There are sixty-six page positions in the House of Representatives; the opportunity to nominate pages is given to Members on a rotating basis. Interested individuals may also wish to contact Senators Kerry and Kennedy, who are also able to nominate young people to the page program in a similar fashion.

Under current regulations, pages must:

  • Be Juniors in high school
  • Be sixteen years of age at the start of the page term
  • Have a minimum 3.0 GPA

As Congressman Tierney was able to nominate a page this summer, the next opportunity will be sometime in the near future and information will be posted as the opportunity becomes available.