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About Congressman Space

Other than spending three years in law school at Ohio State University, Zack Space has lived his entire life in Ohio's 18th Congressional District. This experience of living among the people of southeastern Ohio has instilled in him the values and the importance of community that are at the heart of the district's sixteen counties.

Those lessons have been bolstered by his own family's ethic of hard work and loyalty. One of his heroes, his paternal grandfather, emigrated from Greece in the early 20th century and served his new country by fighting in World War I. His father, Socrates, continued the family's patriotic tradition by serving in the Marines during the Korean War. After the war, his father attended Ohio State's law school thanks to the GI Bill.

Zack himself learned from an early age the importance of teamwork and community. A high school football star at Dover High School, Zack went on to Kenyon College where he was named a Division III All-American. From both coaches and classmates, he was hailed not only for his athleticism, but also for his extraordinary leadership and teamwork.

Following college, Zack attended Ohio State where he earned his law degree. Returning home to Dover, he joined his father's practice -- and throughout the course of his career, he focused on representing the needs of individuals, many of whom had been wronged and had nowhere else to turn. Zack also served the Dover community as a Director for the Mental Retardation and Developments Disabilities Board.

Starting in 2000, Zack served as Dover's Law Director. As the chief legal representative for the city, Zack was involved in a host of matters of critical importance, ranging from negotiating contracts to mediating employment disputes to representing the City of Dover in court proceedings. As Law Director, he also supervised the city prosecutor's office, provided legal counsel for all city departments, and written numerous city ordinances.

Believing that the federal government was failing to meet the basic needs of its citizens and communities, in 2005, he decided to run for Congress. During this time, Zack highlighted the importance of re-establishing an honest, transparent government in order to return Americans' sense of trust in government and in their public officials. Zack pledged not to accept gifts from lobbyists, ensuring that the interests of the people of Southeastern Ohio - not those of the special interests - would be first and foremost.

Zack continues to fight for issues that are critical to the economic development of the 18th Congressional District, including a more aggressive national strategy on utilizing and implementing alternative fuels. With its abundance of agriculture and fossil fuels, Southeastern Ohio stands ready to capitalize on a better marriage of natural resources and 21st century technologies.

Zack also fights for fairer trade policies to combat the injurious practices of the past decade, which have sent factories overseas and stolen jobs from Ohioans. Already, he has been named as a member of the influential Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, a position that gives him an opportunity to make a difference in the day-to-day lives of his constituents.

His family continues to be of the utmost importance to him. He and his wife Mary, a Municipal Court Judge for the past 15 years, have been married for 19 years. Their two children, Gina and Nick, both attended the same Dover High School that Zack and Mary attended.