Information For Seniors

In our office we work to provide a number of resources and services to area Seniors, including help with Medicare and Social Security. I also write a monthly letter where I discuss issues of importance to the Elder Community. During the upcoming months, I will refrain from sending new letters to abide by U.S. House pre-election restrictions. But, please feel free to explore the links below and archived letters, or contact my Seniors Coordinator for assistance.

For More Information, Please Contact:
Cheryl Gresek
Phone: (978) 531-1669
Fax: (978) 531-1996

Websites for Seniors:

Medicare, the official website for Medicare recipients. This is a valuable resource for information on the new Medicare prescription drug plan.

NIH, a website for older adults, was developed by the National Institute on Aging and the National Library of Medicine, both part of the National Institutes of Health.

The Administration on Aging's comprehensive site includes a resource directory, fact sheets, and a plethora of information on many aspects of aging. The directory of web sites is very useful.

Social Security Online, the official site of the Social Security Administration. This clearly-organized site has the top ten requested services, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), forms, publications on benefits, and much more.

The National Institute on Aging has health publications and information on research.

US Consumer Gateway provides fraud alerts and advice on consumer issues.

The Department of Veterans Affairs has information on benefits and programs.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has a housing page for seniors.

Massachusetts' Executive Office of Elder Affairs administers a variety of programs for elders. You may also be interested in visiting 800AgeInfo, a joint partnership between the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs and Mass Home Care Association designed to assist consumers and families as well as professionals seeking information and resources on eldercare services.

If you're looking for non-government information, try Yahoo!'s Seniors Index, which includes just about every seniors resource on the Web.

For a list of agencies serving seniors in the Massachusetts 6th Congressional District, please click here.