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Note: All of the fields are required.

Section I: Personal Information
Permanent Address
School Address
Section II: School Information
Section III: Availability
Please mark the internship session for which you are applying:

Please indicate dates you are available:
Spring semester is October 15th
Summer session March 1st
Fall semester July 1st.
Please include the following with this application form:

      1. A complete resume including past work experiences.
      2. A brief personal statement outlining political issues of importance to you.
      3. Letters of recommendation from three persons familiar with your work and/or academic performance, such as recent college professors and former employers. (May be sent directly by the reference.)
Preference is given to residents of Kansas who have completed their junior year in college and are planning to return for their senior year.

Due to mail irradiation procedures, most mail takes several weeks to arrive. Therefore, please fax the requested additional information to (202) 224-3514, Attention: Theda Owens. Should you have further questions, you may reach the office at (202) 224-4774.
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