Congressman Robert Wexler, 19th District of Florida
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  » Wexler Seeks Support of State in Preparing Palm Beach County for November Elections
  September 9, 2008 (Washington, DC) Today, Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL), a long-standing advocate for voter-verified paper ballots and election integrity, reached out to Florida Secretary of State Kurt Browning regarding Palm Beach (More)

  » Wexler Lauds Passage of Resolution Designating Hamas' al-Aqsa TV as a Terrorist Entity
  September 9, 2008 (Washington, DC) Today, Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL), a senior member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and a member of the Middle East and South Asia Subcommittee, praised (More)

  » House Passes Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act
  July 23, 2008 (Washington, D.C.) Today Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) joined a bipartisan majority of his colleagues in the House of Representatives (More)

  » Wexler Votes for Production of 10.6 Billion Barrels of Domestic Oil
  July 17, 2008 Today, Congressman Wexler voted for the Drill Act, which would bring 10.6 billion barrels of oil immediately to American (More)

Home LegislationWexler Bills

Legislation Sponsored by Congressman Wexler

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The Wexler bills page provides two ways to learn about legislation introduced by Congressman Wexler.  Below are detailed summaries of bills introduced by Congressman Wexler.  You can also learn more by accessing the legislative records provided by the Library of Congress.

June 1, 2008
The Equality in Medicare Advantage Payment Act
Congressman Wexler has introduced the Equality in Medicare Advantage Payment Act in order to correct the fact that many seniors in Palm Beach County are currently receiving lesser benefits from Medicare than residents in nearby Miami-Dade County.As the United ...view more

April 24, 2008
9/11 Health and Compensation Act
Congressman Wexler is a lead cosponsor for the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, legislation that provides health care, medical monitoring, and compensation to state residents and thousands of others who are sick or injured as a result of the ...view more

April 23, 2008
The Sunshine in Litigation Act
Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) and Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), two senior members of the House Judiciary Committee, have introduced the Sunshine in Litigation Act.  The legislation is a response to dozens of cases in which threats to public health ...view more

April 15, 2008
National Day of Silence
Congressman Wexler has proudly signed on as an original cosponsor to a resolution honoring the National Day of Silence, a day in which students take a vow of silence to bring attention to the anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender ...view more

April 10, 2008
The Social Security Forever Act
To help protect Social Security benefits, Congressman Wexler has reintroduced the Social Security Forever Act. This legislation guarantees to Social Security beneficiaries that they will receive 100 percent of their benefits.  The Social Security Forever Act of 2008 lifts ...view more

April 1, 2008
The Public IRA Rollover Act
Congressman Wexler recently became a co-sponsor of H.R. 1419, the Public Good IRA Rollover Act of 2007, which extends and expands current tax law relating to the use of individual retirement accounts (IRAs) for charitable purposes. This important legislation ...view more

March 13, 2008
Resolution Recognizing Five Year Anniversary of Iraq War
Congressman Wexler has introduced a resolution recognizing the fifth anniversary of the disastrous Iraq War and called for an immediate and safe redeployment of US troops from Iraq.  Wexler’s resolution recognizes the enormous cost of the Iraq War on ...view more

February 1, 2008
Fairness in Autism Treatment Act
Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) has introduced the Fairness in Autism Treatment Act, landmark legislation that could bring hope to the hundreds of thousands of families across the country who lack employer-sponsored health coverage for their children with autism.  Congressman ...view more

January 20, 2008
The Medicare Affordability Act
Congressman Robert Wexler has introduced legislation aimed at making Medicare more affordable for millions of elderly Americans struggling to pay for proper health care.  The Medicare Affordability Act confronts the disastrous fact that Medicare costs are rising at a faster ...view more

October 1, 2007
Holocaust Insurance Accountability Act
Congressman Wexler has introduced the Holocaust Insurance Accountability Act of 2007, which requires insurance companies doing business in the United States to publicly disclose all Holocaust-era insurance policies and allows Holocaust victims and descendents to bring action in US ...view more

June 26, 2007
Affordable Homeowners Insurance Act
H. R. 2873 Problem: Due to recent natural disasters, it has become clear that Insurance in high-risk regions is far too expensive.  Along with rising costs, much of the damage done by major natural disasters, such as category 4-5 ...view more

June 7, 2007
The Skill Game Protection Act
Problem:Seventy million Americans enjoy the challenge and competition of playing poker.  Of these seventy million citizens, several million played with one another on the World Wide Web.  Upon the passage of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) in ...view more

May 10, 2007
Bail Bonds Fairness Act of 2007
H.R. 2286 The Bail Bonds Fairness Act of 2007 Problem:Historically, the purpose of bail bonds was to ensure the appearance of a defendant in court on the day of the trial.  However, a judicial ruling in the 1980’s changed ...view more

April 17, 2007
World Intellectual Property Day Resolution
Problem: Intellectual property is critical to our Nation’s economic competitiveness in today’s global economy.  It is the only sector of our economy that runs a trade surplus with every nation in the world, and over 50 percent of United ...view more

March 9, 2007
Visa Waiver Program Discretion
Problem: Since its creation in 1986, the Visa Waiver Program has allowed nationals of the United States’ principal allies to travel to our shores for up to 90 days for business or tourism, without going through the expensive and ...view more

February 16, 2007
Wartime Treatment Study Act
A bill establishing two commissions to review the treatment of European Americans, European Latin Americans and Jewish refugees during World War II. Problem:Many Americans are aware of the internment and mistreatment of more than 110,000 Japanese Americans during World ...view more

February 7, 2007
Jane's Law
Problem: In 1983, when Robert Maharam left Jane, his wife of 31 years, he took everything from their Long Island home, emptied joint bank accounts, and sold the successful family business.  Jane filed for divorce, and after a protracted ...view more

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