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Saving Headwaters Forest

The Headwaters Forest is a 7,500-acre grove of ancient redwoods, located in Humboldt County, California. The trees contained in the grove are over 2,000 years old and are a national treasure.

Between the years 1995 and 1999, I brought together officials from the Federal Government, the State of California, and the Pacific Lumber Company together to negotiate a compromise agreement that protects the magnificent grove for all time.

The Headwaters Agreement:

I am very proud of this agreement because it saves all of the Headwaters Forest and all of the 12 lesser groves of ancient redwood trees. This is something that at the beginning of this process and even two years into the negotiations I didn't think possible. The end result is a strong plan on which all of us will have to work closely together to implement satisfactorily.

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