Senators announce nearly $80,000 for Hamilton-based education program  

Money will be used to fund media arts education 

Friday, September 12, 2008  

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) Students in Ravalli County will get to explore opportunities through media arts, thanks to a $76,647 grant announced today by U.S. Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester.

Media Arts in the Public Schools, or MAPS, is a program designed to help students develop their creative voices, communication skills, and self-confidence in all parts of their education.  MAPS will use the grant money to purchase additional filmmaking equipment. Students from all Ravalli County schools are eligible to participate.  

“Giving students the opportunity to get hands on experience on a future career is valuable experience,” Baucus said. “MAPS helps students discover the worlds of filmmaking and media production. A good education is the key to a strong economic future. The funding will better prepare students for the long term and will help them get good-paying jobs tomorrow.”

“As a former music teacher myself, I know firsthand how important it is for students to develop their creative thinking skills,” Tester said. “Programs like MAPS allow students to develop those skills while exploring future careers.”

MAPS was founded in 2004 by Peter Rosten, a former entertainment industry writer, producer and executive. 

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