Foreclosure Prevention Act

At least 8,000 families lose their homes every day to foreclosure. One out of every three homeowners in America will see their home values decline.  The housing stimulus bill recently passed by the Senate will help homeowners keep their homes and assist purchasers looking for affordable housing.  The bill also aids job creation and recovery efforts for businesses and communities harmed by this crisis.
Key provisions of the bill include:

  • $10 billion to help families refinance bad home loans
  • Modernizing the Federal Housing Administration to provide greater access to home loans
  • $100 million for counseling to help those at risk of foreclosure
  • Protecting veterans from foreclosure
  • $4 billion for cities to redevelop foreclosed properties so they do not remain vacant
  • Tax cuts for homeowners
Farm Bill

The final Senate version of the Farm Bill held onto a lot of good things that Montana needs and it will create new opportunities for family farmers and ranchers across the state. The legislation is currently in conference to reconcile the Senate and House versions of the bill.

Key provisions of the Senate version of the 2007 Farm Bill

  • A safety net to make sure Montana farmers and ranchers don't go bust when times are tough
  • Measures to promote renewable energy development in agriculture through incentives and assistance for bio-energy crops and wind power
  • A pilot-program sponsored by Senator Tester to provide federal crop insurance for camelina, a plant whose oil can be converted into biodiesel
  • Stronger conservation programs that focus on working lands like the Conservation Stewardship Program and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (these programs help us protect sensitive lands while improving soil, water, and air quality and keeping lands in production)
  • Steps to help fight hunger and keep Montanans healthy through improvements to various nutrition programs, including food stamps
  • A requirement that the federal government to finally implement Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL), which will benefit Montana producers and consumers
Veterans Mileage Reimbursement

In 2007, Senator Tester introduced legislation to authorize and fund an increase in the mileage reimbursement rate for disabled veterans who travel for health care. Due to Senator Tester's efforts, the rate is now 28.5 cents a mile -- a 250 percent increase -- up from 11 cents a mile. The new mileage reimbursement represents the first increase in 31 years.

Even after this victory, there is more to be done. Senator Tester continues to push to give disabled veterans traveling for health care the same mileage reimbursement federal employees receive -- 48.5 cents a mile. He is also working to reduce the deductible veterans pay on mileage reimbursement.

Indian Health Care Improvement Act

The Indian Health Care Improvement Act is much needed legislation to improve health care in Indian Country. This legislation would bring Indian Health Service facilities and services up-to-date. It would create programs to address behavioral and mental health issues that have been severely neglected under the current system. And, it would begin to address the disturbing and inexcusable disparities between the health status of American Indians and the general United States population. 

This legislation also authorizes additional appropriations necessary to increase the availability of health care, develop new approaches to health care delivery, increase the flexibility of the Indian Health Service, and promote the sovereignty of American Indian Tribes. Senator Tester successfully included an amendment to the bill to encourage state, federal, and tribal law enforcement to work together to combat methamphetamine abuse in Indian Country.