Norm Coleman - United States Senator - Minnesota
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Album: January 2003 - November 2004
Last updated on 04/22/2005

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Senator and Mrs. Coleman at the Capitol

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Senator and Mrs. Coleman at the Capitol

Senator Norm Coleman

Sen. Coleman fishing with his dad and Woody Woods in International Falls
On Wednesday, November 24, Senator Coleman met with Doug (front), Brian (left) and Eric (right) Simon of Veseli, Minnesota. Senator Norm Coleman's bill to provide $200,000 to Eric and Brian was included in the FY 2005 Omnibus Appropriations bill that passed the Senate last weekend. Brian (19) and Eric (18) Simon, whose father, Doug, contracted HIV/AIDS during treatment for a service-connected injury while on active duty in the National Guard during the early 1980s, will receive the compensation to help them afford a college education and meet expenses.

“Brian and Eric are remarkable young men,” Coleman said. “They have lost their mother and their sister to AIDS, and they have been tireless in taking care of their sick father, who tragically contracted AIDS during his proud National Guard service. These two young men have had to grow up very, very quickly. Words can’t convey how proud I am of Eric and Brian.

Senator Coleman meets with the Simon Family on Wednesday in St. Paul
On November 18, Senator Coleman met with President Bush's nominee to be the next United States Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, in his Washington office.

Senator Coleman meets with Dr. Condoleezza Rice in his Washington office
On November 11, Senator Coleman visited the Minnesota Veteran's Home in Minneapolis.

Senator Coleman honors Minnesota Veterans
Charles Duelfer, author of the Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraqi’s WMD (the Duelfer Report), offered his first comprehensive testimony before Congress on the vast corruption and corrosive effect of the OFF Program at Senator Coleman's hearing.

Charles Duelfer
On November 15, Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) chaired a hearing at the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI):  “How Saddam Hussein Abused the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program.” To his left are Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) and Joe Lieberman (D-CT).

Senator Coleman chairs a Senate hearing regarding U.N. Oil for Food Program
Camp Ripley's Training and Community Center and Headquarters of the Post Commander. MN Department of Military Affairs photo.

Camp Ripley, possible new mobilization station under Coleman provision

Sen. Coleman and Commerce Sec. Evans talk with constituents in St. Paul
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