United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller


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Committee Statements
Date Title
04/10/08  Subcommittee on Aviation Oversight, Safety and Security: Opening Statement at Hearing on Aviation Safety Oversight
04/09/08  Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care: Hearing on Covering Uninsured Children: The Impact of the August 17 CHIP Directive
02/14/08  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Open Hearing on DNI Authorities
07/19/07  Senate Commerce Committee: Statement at the Hearing on Protecting Children from Indecent Programming Act
06/19/07  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Opening Statement at Hearing on the Nomination of John A. Rizzo to be General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency
02/01/07  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Opening Statement at Confirmation of John M. McConnell to be DNI
01/24/07  Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Aviation: Statement at the Hearing on "The State of the Airline Industry: the Potential Impact of Airline Mergers and Industry Consolidation."
01/11/07  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Opening Statement at the Worldwide Threat Hearing
11/16/06  Senate Finance Health Care Subcommittee: Statement at the Hearing - "The CHIP Program from the States' Perspective"
09/26/06  Senate Finance Committee: Statement at the Hearing on Health Savings Accounts
07/25/06  Senate Health Care Subcommittee: Statement at the Hearing - "CHIP at 10: A Decade of Covering Children"
07/19/06  Senate Aviation Committee: Statement at the Hearing on Wright Amendment
02/15/06  Senate Commerce Committee: Statement at the Hearing on Video Franchising
02/02/06  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Opening Statement at the Open Hearing on The Projected National Security Threats to the U.S.
01/19/06  Senate Commerce Committee: Remarks Before the Hearing on Indecency
11/29/05  Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation: Statement at the Forum on Decency
11/17/05  Senate Aviation Subcommittee: Statement at the Oversight Hearing on Aviation Safety
04/27/05  Senate Select Committee On Intelligence: Opening Statement At The Open Hearing on the Patriot Act
04/12/05  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Opening Statement at the Nomination Hearing of Ambassador John Negroponte to be Director of National Intelligence
09/14/04  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Opening Statement at the Nomination Hearing of Porter Goss to be Director of Central Intelligence
10/01/03  Senate Committee on Finance: Hearing on Domestic Manufacturing
09/30/03  Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Long Term Care Hearing
09/09/03  Senate Committee On Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Aviation: Oversight Hearing on Transportation Security
04/10/03  Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation: Opening Statement on S. 842, the Aviation Investment and Revitalization Vision Act
03/11/03  Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Statement at Hearing on the Air Service to Small and Rural Communities
02/25/03  Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation Aviation Subcommittee: Opening Statement Airport Improvement Program
02/11/03  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Statement at the the Annual Public Threat Assessment
02/11/03  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Statement at the Hearing on Annual World Wide Threat Assessment
06/19/02  Senate Commerce Committee, Communications Subcommittee: Statement at the Hearing on Universal Service
02/13/02  Finance Committee: The Introduction of the Thomas-Rockefeller Amendment on Section 29 and Coal Mine Methane
02/12/02  Senate Commerce Committee: Statement at the Hearing on the the Collapse of Enron

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