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John Culberson United States Congressman John Culberson 7th District of Texas
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Contact: Press Secretary Mollie Schall
Phone: 713-682-8828
Date: 08/12/08
Congressman Culberson Sheds Light on a Dark Debate

For over a week now, Republican Members of Congress have been calling on Congress to return to Washington for a special session to debate energy policy. On Friday, August 1, Congress, led by Speaker Pelosi, adjourned for five weeks, ignoring demands for an up-or-down vote on offshore drilling and closing all debate on proposals to increase domestic exploration.

Congressman Culberson joined his colleagues on the House floor Monday morning. Though the CSPAN cameras and microphones are still off, Congressman Culberson took to the Floor, answering questions from visitors in the House Gallery and sending updates on Twitter and Qik, social media outlets that have allowed him to bypass traditional media and report the events as they unfold.

The use of these new media tools has been a key component of the Republican “uprising,” allowing them to broadcast their demand for action on energy legislation, but also demonstrating the power of the Internet as a means to increase transparency in government. He has acted as a citizen journalist, recording events, speeches, and interviews with his fellow protestors on Qik and sending instant messages on Twitter.

As the Houston Chronicle reports, Culberson “has harnessed state-of-the-art electronic devices to break through the Democratic speaker's attempted blackout of the Republicans' unofficial House proceedings.”

“Pelosi continues to reject GOP calls for a House vote on its plan to allow offshore oil drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and the eastern Gulf of Mexico. But she has no immediate plans to try to tighten House rules to further restrict use of electronic devices.”

“That means that Republicans will be free to continue their Culberson-inspired electronic insurgency from the House floor through the start of the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 25.”

Click here to view The Chronicle’s full article.

Congressman Culberson will continue to demand that Congress vote on opening up the OCS and ANWR as part of the solution towards American energy independence. His revolutionary use of new technology allows him to stay in touch with his constituents and provide a personal account of the revolt, even though the lights and cameras have been turned off. "I'm convinced that new media will revolutionize the way elected officials represent their constituents,” Congressman Culberson told The Dallas Morning News.

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