U.S. House of Representatives Seal U.S. Congressman
Congressman James E. Clyburn
Sixth District, South Carolina

Capitol Column

1703 Gervais Street  .  Columbia, SC 29201  .  (803) 799-1100  .  Contact: Hope Derrick
Faith Based Initiative Hides Devil in the Details
August 23, 2001

           President Bush seems to view his faith based initiative in angelic terms.  But as is usually the case, the devil is in the details, and if left unchecked this devil will find a place in our churches, our synagogues and our mosques.

One major detail overlooked or ignored by the President's plan is that the religious community already provides these services without the hand of government telling them how and where to spend their money.  Most religious organizations by nature open their doors to anyone in need irrespective of status.  Under the President's faith-based initiative, these charities may have to turn people away who don't meet federal qualifications for services. 

Churches are not used to operating under the constraints of federal grants.   There are very strict accounting and reporting procedures that have tripped up the most well-intentioned and detail-oriented organizations.  Mishandling federal funds is a crime and can lead to incarceration.   I would hate for this fate to befall religious leaders who in a time of crisis sought to help a needy parishioner who may not have been eligible for services under federal guidelines.   How many times have you heard the phrase, ignorance of the law is no excuse?

Another pitfall arises from putting control of the funds in the hands of politicians.  If this were to happen there is one thing you can be certain of  - the money will be distributed among the most active and politically connected religious organizations.  President Bush enjoyed strong support among many evangelical Christians.  Will their churches be rewarded with the lion's share of grant allocations?  What about minority religions in America like Jews or Muslims?  They were aligned much more closely with the President's opposition in the last election.  Does that mean they will suffer his wrath when the funds are disbursed?  Religious organizations should not become political pawns subject to the whims of elected officials. 

In addition, the "chosen ones" who receive federal funding may then feel they have the government's seal of approval to begin pushing their agenda on those who seek services.  Even those who support discriminatory practices prohibited by federal law could qualify to receive funds.    There are a number of religious groups who teach a biblical foundation for race distinctions and discrimination.  Will they be free to use your tax monies to push their agenda or reward those who do?

            Some religious organizations have raised the question with me whether or not government regulations attached to federal funds could actually become part of religious services.  My frank answer is that without the details of the faith-based initiative we just don't know. 

There has long been a division between church and state in this country and for good reason.  This initiative could destroy that separation and weave a tangled web that could threaten the integrity and freedom of religion in America.  The devil is lurking in the details and we ought to heed the biblical warning found in I Peter chapter 5 verse 8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." 

I don't foresee a plan that can eliminate all the concerns I have raised here, and for that reason, I will not support this effort.  Instead, I call on the religious community to continue their good work through their private non-profit corporations as they have in the past.  And I urge all Americans to donate generously to these causes that enable many religious organizations to carry out important missions.

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