

July 25, 2008

On Wednesday, July 23rd, Committee on House Administration Chairman Robert A. Brady and House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Bob Filner sent a letter to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary James B. Peake strongly criticizing a Department of Veterans Affairs directive that prohibits voter registration activities at VA facilities. Directive 2008-025 restricts voter registration activities by outside organizations and individuals based upon claims that these activities disrupt normal facility operations.

“It is inconceivable that the Department of Veterans Affairs would restrict non-partisan, non-profit organizations from providing resources and information to assist veterans in registering to vote,” said Brady.  “The fact that this affects wounded veterans, many of whom risk life and limb defending the freedoms that we all enjoy, is most troubling,” he added.

“The right to vote is the foundation for our democracy and this right has been courageously protected by our veterans,” said Chairman Filner.  “A recent bureaucratic ruling by the VA will not only prohibit voter registration drives on the grounds of VA facilities, but may hinder injured and aging veterans from receiving voter registration services altogether.” 

The letter calls for the Department of Veterans Affairs to “recognize that promoting civic engagement should not be viewed as a ‘disruption in their operations’ but rather an instrumental component of providing medical and social support services to our veterans.” 

“By prohibiting non-partisan voter registration drives, the Department is overlooking one of the most effective tools in promoting veterans’ right to vote,” the letter states.  “Across the country, millions of voters who historically have not participated in elections have been energized to participate this year by new and innovative registration programs, many of which are conducted by non-partisan organizations.  Veterans deserve the same registration opportunities as Americans who are not under the care of the Department of Veterans Affairs.”

Brady and Filner join a host of other organizations and officials who have criticized the VA’s directive.  Most recently, a bi-partisan group of Secretaries of State from more than 20 states issued a letter calling for the VA to reconsider the directive.  Under the provisions of the directive, duly elected Secretaries of State and election officials have been curtailed from distributing voter registration materials and instructing veterans on the use of newly-implemented voting machines.

Brady and Filner have encouraged the VA to reexamine its reasoning for prohibiting non-partisan organizations to conduct voter registration drives and to engage in active outreach to state and local election officials.  They plan to introduce legislation that requires the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to permit States to designate facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs as voter registration agencies under Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act.  The proposed legislation also requires designated VA facilities to provide voting information, assist veterans in registering as well as voting and work with election officials to ensure proper delivery of voting materials. Finally, the legislation requires the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to permit nonpartisan organizations as well as state election officials to provide voting assistance at VA facilities.

“Our Nation’s veterans have fought to ensure that all Americans have the right to vote and we should be making it easier – not harder – for them to exercise their right to vote,” said Chairman Filner. 

“By limiting access to voter registration resources and opportunities, the VA is, in effect, disenfranchising wounded veterans who may have no additional recourse,” said Brady.  “Not only is that a grave disservice to our veterans, but if every reasonable effort is not made to ensure the participation of qualified voters, it diminishes our system as a whole.”