Rep. Henry Waxman - 30th District of California


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2204 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-3976 (phone)
(202) 225-4099 (fax)

In Los Angeles
8436 West Third Street, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 651-1040 (phone)
(818) 878-7400 (phone)
(310) 652-3095 (phone)
(323) 655-0502 (fax)

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Rep. Waxman is working on:


2008 Economic Stimulus Payment

On February 7, 2008, the Congress passed the Economic Stimulus Act.  This law generally provides for a minimum economic stimulus payment of $300 for taxpayers with earned income of at least $3,000 ($600 for married taxpayers filing joint returns), including those with certain Social Security, Railroad Retirement, and veterans’ benefits.  Individuals who normally do not file a tax return must file to qualify for an economic stimulus payment.  To receive a stimulus check this year, eligible taxpayers must file an income tax return by October 15, 2008.  More details are available at

Click Here for the Lehman/AIG Tipline

Are You Prepared for the Digital Television (DTV) Transition?

September 17, 2008
Committee to Hold Hearing on Implementation and Enforcement of the Clean Water Act
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on September 24, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. to examine the implementation and enforcement of the Clean Water Act. To date, EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have failed to provide the Committee with important documents. Chairman Waxman invited both agencies to testify and requests that documents be provided prior to the hearing.


September 16, 2008

Committee Holds Hearing on Domestic HIV Epidemic
The Committee held a hearing titled, “The Domestic Epidemic is Worse than We Thought: A Wake-Up Call for HIV Prevention” on Tuesday, September 16, 2008, in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building.

September 17, 2008
Chairman Waxman Questions FDA Priorities

Chairman Waxman wrote to FDA Commissioner von Eschenbach to request answers to questions raised by internal FDA emails, which suggest that political appointees at the agency may be promoting industry priorities at the expense of FDA’s core public health mission.

September 16, 2008

Committee to Hold Hearing on Collapse of Lehman Brothers
The Committee will hold a hearing on September 25, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. to examine the regulatory mistakes and financial excesses that led to the bankruptcy filing by Lehman Brothers. The Committee will also explore the impacts of the bankruptcy on financial markets and the United States economy. Richard Fuld, CEO of Lehman Brothers, has been invited to testify at the hearing.

Rep. Waxman is working on:

Statement by Rep. Waxman on Appropriations Earmarks
Rep. Waxman Releases Veterans Affairs Documents Regarding West Los Angeles VA Facility
California Wildfires Information and Assistance
Chairman Waxman Introduces the Moratorium on Uncontrolled Power Plants Act
Rep. Waxman Introduces Surgeon General Independence Act
Rep. Waxman Introduces the Safe Climate Act of 2007
Rep. Waxman Introduces Bill to Establish Pathway for Biotech Drugs
Rep. Waxman Introduces Comprehensive Drug Safety Bill
Rep. Waxman's Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Passes Committee
Rep. Waxman Introduces the Global Climate and Ozone Layer Protection Act of 2007

View Rep. Waxman's FY 2008 Appropriations Funding Requests

View Rep. Waxman's Legislative Activity for the 110th Congress

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