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For Immediate Release
March 9, 2006

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

Fortenberry Responds to Dubai Withdrawal
Congressman was Prepared to Vote AGAINST Sale of Ports

Washington D.C. - U.S. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry issued the following statement in response to news of Dubai Ports World withdrawal regarding the acquisition of American ports:

We should not simply outsource port operations to the highest bidderthere are national security implicationsand I was prepared to vote against the port deal, Fortenberry said. We cannot afford to compromise our national security.

Since the beginning, Ive been gravely concerned about this sale. I wrote letters to Treasury Secretary John Snow and to House Select Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Peter King to immediately review this transaction and to ask the Administration to reconsider its approval of the sale. It now appears the deal will not proceed.

We also need to take a close look at the implications of foreign ownership of critical infrastructure in our country. In the case of Dubai Ports World, a business deal appears to have taken priority over the security interests of the American people.


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