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For Immediate Release
September 25, 2006

Contact: Josh Moenning
(402) 438-1598

House Approves $7.5 Million in Support for

Nebraska ProjectsFortenberry Announces Support for Southeast Nebraska Cancer Center and UNL Laser Project

Washington D.C. - Congressman Jeff Fortenberry announced that important Nebraska projects, including those at the University of Nebraska and the Southeast Nebraska Cancer Center (SNCC), received funding today in the House of Representatives.

These important Nebraskan projects provide cutting edge research for the good of America, Fortenberry said.

Research work at the University of Nebraska will help assist our military and upgrade our homeland security preparedness.

The University of Nebraskas High-Energy Laser project received $2.7 million. The project promotes development of technology to support multiple military applications.

Other University projects received support for Detecting Emerging Classes of Explosives, which received $1 million, and Munitions Shape Charge Control Research, which was awarded $2.7 million.

The Explosives project supports the development of new technology for detecting peroxide-based explosives. The Munitions research develops technology to control the effects and precision of advanced munitions, which will significantly reduce civilian casualties and those of U.S. soldiers in the field as well as damage to nonmilitary property.The Southeast Nebraska Cancer continues to pioneer many innovative cancer research methods. This assistance will help the Center further our countrys effort to fight this disease and save lives.

The focus of SNCCs work is the development of genetic signatures for early detection and treatment of cancer through personalized molecular-based therapies. SNCC received $1.1 million in the House Department of Defense Appropriations Conference Report.

The Department of Defense Appropriations Conference Report will now go before the U.S. Senate for approval.


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