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Rahall Statement on IG Reports of Unethical, Illicit Behavior at Interior Department | Print |

September 10, 2008

CONTACT: Allyson Groff or Blake Androff, 202-226-9019

Washington, D.C. - House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) released the following statement regarding three reports released today by the Interior Department's Inspector General (IG) concerning multiple allegations of unethical and illicit behavior against more than a dozen current and former employees of the Minerals Management Service Royalty in Kind (RIK) program:

"The activities at the RIK office are so outlandish that this whole IG report reads like a script from a television miniseries - and one that cannot air during family viewing time.  It is no wonder that the office was doing such a lousy job of overseeing the RIK program; clearly the employees had ‘other' priorities in that office."

The reports are available on the Interior IG's Web site at:
