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CONTACT: Press Office
Mikulski Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As Hispanic Heritage Month begins, Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today honored the extraordinary contributions Hispanics have made to Maryland and the United States.


“I take great pride in representing Maryland’s increasingly diverse population.  The Hispanic community plays an active and important role in Maryland and in the United States and enriches us with their work ethic and family values,” said Senator Mikulski.  “During Hispanic Heritage Month, let us honor the Hispanic community and pay tribute to their contributions to the rich tapestry of America.”


Senator Mikulski has a long history of fighting for issues that are critical to the Hispanic community, including pushing for educational access and opportunity so that all Americans have the freedom to achieve.


Most recently, Senator Mikulski was an original cosponsor of the Cure and Understanding through Research for Alzheimer’s (La CURA) Act of 2008 (S.3092), which will address deficiencies in research participation by encouraging increased Hispanic participation in National Institute of Health (NIH) clinical trials, promoting identification of culturally competent care, and addressing delays in diagnosis and underutilization of services by Hispanic patients.


Senator Mikulski also recently supported legislation to create a commission to explore the viability of creating a “National Museum of the American Latino” in Washington, D.C. and legislation authorizing the U.S. Department of the Interior to study lands important in the life of Cesar Chavez for possible inclusion into the National Park System.  That legislation, included in the Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008, was signed into law in May.


There are currently over 45 million Hispanic Americans in the United States, making them the largest ethnic minority in the nation.  They are also the fastest-growing minority population.  Hispanic Americans currently account for 6.3 percent of Maryland’s total population.  Hispanic Heritage Month is an annual month-long celebration of the contributions of Hispanic Americans to the United States beginning September 15 and ending October 15. 

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