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CONTACT: Press Office
Cardin, Mikulski Announce $250,000 to Western Maryland Health Corp. for Medical Equipment

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Benjamin L. Cardin (both D-MD) announced today that the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) has awarded a $250,000 grant to the Western Maryland Health Corporation for the Mountain Laurel Medical Center Equipment project.

“Technology is revolutionizing the way we administer health care, leading to new breakthroughs, faster diagnoses and better delivery of care. I’m proud this ARC grant will enable patients at the Mountain Laurel Medical Center to benefit from top-flight telemedicine equipment,” said Senator Mikulski. “I will continue to fight for grants like these that benefit Maryland’s families and communities.”

“This ARC grant is an important investment in helping to improve health care for residents of Western Maryland,” said Senator Cardin. “Medical science has made tremendous advances and this new medical technology will save lives by helping doctors diagnose illnesses earlier so appropriate treatment can be provided as soon as possible.”

The grant will assist in the acquisition of telemedicine equipment that will be used in diagnostic services. Equipment will include work stations, computer software, white boards, monitors, X-ray displays, exam room equipment and telephone upgrades. The new equipment will be used in diagnostic applications for approximately 40 patients in the first year of operation. The health center will create one new position to manage the diagnostic services and patient records.

The ARC is a federal-state partnership that works with the people of Appalachia to create opportunities for self-sustaining economic development and improved quality of life.

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