United States Senator - Gordon Smith
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Every year Senator Smith works with local community leaders, the Senate Appropriations Committee, and fellow Oregon Senator Ron Wyden to obtain federal funds for Oregon projects across the state. This funding helps meet community needs, creates job growth, and stimulates economic development.

Senator Smith listens to Oregonians regularly about priority projects and also would like to give constituents an opportunity to weigh in through this webpage before the funding is final. Below is a list of the 12 annual appropriations bills that Congress must pass to fund all federal government operations. Click here to share your comments with the Senator

Understanding the Appropriation Process: 

  1. Senate appropriations are voted on and passed by the Senate Appropriations Committee.
  2. When they are approved by the committee, the appropriations come to the Senate floor for a vote by all Senators.
  3. Once they have been passed by the Senate, a Senate-House conference committee convenes to settle the differences between House and Senate versions of the bill.
  4. After approval by the conference committee, the bills are again voted on by the House and Senate, and are sent to the President for his or her signature.
  5. Once the President signs the bill, it becomes final law.

Below are lists of all the congressional earmarks for Oregon fiscal year 2009. Currently, the following appropriations bills have been approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee:

Northwest Region Eastern Region Southern Region Western Region Central Region