Thursday, November 03, 2005
Steroid Use in Sports

GAO Finds Illegal Steroids Easily Purchased, Difficult to Police

Rep. Waxman and Rep. Davis release a new GAO report that finds that illegal steroids are easily obtained over the Internet and that law enforcement authorities face significant challenges in efforts to investigate, prosecute, and deter steroid trafficking.

Using simple web searches, GAO found a variety of websites “openly and boldly” peddling dozens of anabolic steroids. Of 22 orders placed with the sites, GAO received 14 shipments. Ten of these were mailed from foreign countries and contained illegal steroids such as stanozolol. Four shipments from within the United States did not contain steroids (as the websites claimed) but other dietary supplements.

GAO also identified smuggling of anabolic steroids — often from Mexico — across international borders and into the United States as an important part of the illegal distribution network.

According to the report, law enforcement authorities face significant difficulties in combating the illegal steroid trade. Challenges include little enforcement assistance from legal officers in the drugs’ countries of origin, the anonymity of the Internet marketplace, the inability to effectively inspect mail for illegal steroids, and weak federal penalties for steroid trafficking.