U.S. House of Representatives Seal U.S. Congressman
Congressman James E. Clyburn
Sixth District, South Carolina

News Release

1703 Gervais Street  .  Columbia, SC 29201  .  (803) 799-1100  .  Contact: Hope Derrick
August 15, 2002
Congressman Clyburn:  Santee National Wildlife Refuge Key to Tourism
(Summerton, SC)Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn believes with more support the Santee National Wildlife Refuge can play an integral role in boosting tourism in Clarendon County.

            "This refuge is a tremendous natural and historical resource for South Carolina," Congressman Clyburn said.  "Tourism is the number one industry in our state and the Santee National Wildlife Refuge is the crown jewel to bring tourist dollars into Clarendon County. The refuge represents the kind of ecotourism that I have been stressing to bring economic development into the Lake Marion region."

            Congressman Clyburn, who authored South Carolina's first Heritage Corridor following the old Hamburg Railroad from Walhalla to Charleston, expressed interest in establishing a second Heritage Corridor in the state to link Revolutionary War sites including Fort Watson.  The British fort utilized the abandoned Santee Indian Mound because it provided an elevated vantage across the Santee River that allowed them to cut off American troops or supplies moving north from Charleston.

            "I will fight to insure that any Revolutionary War Heritage Corridor in our state includes important sites in Clarendon County like Fort Watson and the burial site of General Thomas Sumter near Horatio," Congressman Clyburn continued.  "This county must also tap into the rich potential of its African and Native American heritage."

Summerton is the site of Briggs v. Elliott the precursor of the landmark desegregation case Brown v. Board of Education.  The Santee Indian Mound, in addition to its use as Fort Watson, is also the largest Native American ceremonial site discovered on the coastal plain to date.

Congressman Clyburn toured the Santee National Wildlife Refuge's Visitors Center, Santee Indian Mound/Fort Watson, and the Bluff Unit on Tuesday, August 13 with outgoing Refuge Manager Ryan Noel, incoming Refuge Manager Mark Purcell and David Wielicki of the South Carolina Waterfowl Association. 

"There are several avenues available to bring federal dollars into the refuge to expand its potential as a tourist attraction and a wildlife preserve," Congressman Clyburn said, who serves on the House Appropriations Committee.  "I am committed to finding the financial resources needed to help the Santee National Wildlife Refuge succeed in its mission."  

Among the top funding priorities expressed by Mr. Noel and his successor were a new water pump to access deep water for flooding waterfowl habitat in drought years and a new education center.

Following the tour of the refuge, Congressman Clyburn hosted a luncheon honoring Mr. Noel for his service. 

"I appreciate Ryan's hard work and commitment, his expertise will be sorely missed," Congressman Clyburn stated.  "But I pledge to Mark my continued support at the Congressional level of this refuge's important mission."

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