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Email Congressman Space

Homeland Security

Congressman Space believes that, following the tragic events of 9/11, homeland security must be one of Congress' very top priorities. He believes that Congress must be committed to doing everything possible to make sure that Americans are safe from the threat of terrorism.

Congressman Space supports legislation to:
  • Fully implement the 9/11 Commission Recommendations, which requires that within five years, 100% of U.S. bound shipping containers are scanned for dangerous materials, and that within three years, 100% of air cargo carried on passenger planes is also screened.
  • $1 billion for border fencing, funding for FEMA, and funds for port and rail security.
  • Increasing funding for the Transportation Security Administration for increased airport screeners, funds for aviation screening activities, baggage screening equipment, and funds for cargo screening.

Congressman Space also voted in favor of the Coast Guard Authorization Act, which strenghtens port security, immigration enforcement, and drug interdiction:

  • Requires the Coast Guard to protect and enforce security zones around all existing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facilities
  • Requires DHS to analyze the threat, vulnerability and consequences of a terrorist attack on gasoline and chemical cargo shipments and report the findings to Congress.
  • Requires cruise ship owners and operators to notify DHS of security incidents involving a U.S. person that include death, serious bodily injury, and sexual assault on a cruise ship.
  • Authorizes a biometric program in the Caribbean that has been linked to a significant drop in the number of illegal migrants trying to reach the United States by boat.

As a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Congressman Space will continue to play an important role in crafting policy that will enhance transportation security. He will push to make sure terrorists will not be able to utilize America's rails, roads, or airways to threaten us on our own soil.