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Modernizing Benefit Claims for Disabled Veterans
08/06/2008 Congressman Lamborn offered his support for H.R. 5892, the Veterans Disability Benefits Claims Modernization Act of 2008 that will allow veterans received benefits with the speed and accuracy they deserve
VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Lamborn Supports Repealing Law Ending Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans
08/06/2008 As a member of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Congressman Lamborn spoke on the House floor in support of H.R. 674: this bill would repeal a federal law provision requiring the termination of the Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans as of December 31, 2009
VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Congressman Lamborn on Producing More American Energy
07/16/2008 Congressman Lamborn delivers a floor speech encouraging Congress to act immediately to help lower gasoline prices.
VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Lamborn Demands the Defunding of Planned Parenthood and Other Abortion Providers with Taxpayer Dollars
07/10/2008 In a Wednesday night Special Order, Congressman Lamborn delivers a speech to demand Congress to take action and stop taxpayer dollars from funding abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood.
VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Congressman Lamborn Offering H.Res 1312 Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Space Foundation
07/09/2008 Floor Speech
VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Congressman Lamborn Honors America's Religious History Week
06/19/2008 Congressman Lamborn's Floor Speech honoring America's Religious History Week
VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Armenian Remembrance Day Speech
05/21/2008 Armenian Remembrance Day Speech
VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Israel's 60th Anniversary
05/20/2008 Congressman Lamborn Commemorates Israel's 60th Anniversary
VIDEO: High resolution (WindowsMedia)

Special Order on Petraeus Testimony
04/10/2008 Special Order on Petraeus Testimony
VIDEO: High resolution (RealMedia)

Congressman Lamborn on Jay Sekulow Live!
03/05/2008 Congressman Lamborn on Jay Sekulow Live! today discussing the defunding of planned parenthood.
AUDIO: (WindowsMedia)

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Rep. Lamborn, Minority Leader Boehner, and other GOP Members toured the National Renewable Energy Labratory (NREL) in Golden, CO on July 18, 2008 while on an American Energy Tour. 