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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 9, 2008


Funds Will Help Enhance Museum Professionals' Skill and Knowledge - Help Preserve History

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today announced that the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) awarded $238,584 to the State University of New York at Oneonta under the 21st Century Museum Professionals program. These funds will be used by The Cooperstown Graduate Program to help museum professionals update their knowledge and skills.


“Museums play an essential role in preserving historical events and passing them down from one generation to the next,” said Schumer. “These funds will help museum professionals acquire the knowledge and skills they need to help educate residents in Upstate New York about our rich history.”


The 21st Century Museum Professionals Program helps museum professionals update their knowledge and skills through partnerships with schools, community organizations and other cultural institutions.


SUNY’s Cooperstown Graduate Program will partner with the Museum Association of New York and the New York State Historical Association to create an institute to train the next generation of cultural entrepreneurs. Funds will support coursework designed to spark innovation and creativity in the planning and execution of all aspects of museum work, and to refine the skills and abilities of mid-career museum staff that will prepare them for future leadership roles. The IMLS will award eight grants for a total of $2,548,088. All institutions are required to match these funds.


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