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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 4, 2008


Funds Will Support Law Enforcement Activities to Reduce Juvenile Crimes, Decrease the Use and Sale of Drugs, and Diminish the Presence of Gangs

Schumer: Crime Reduction is Essential for Neighborhood Safety and Restoration

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today announced that the Department of Justice Community Capacity Development Office has awarded an additional $150,000 to the City of Poughkeepsie under the FY 2008 Weed and Seed Program. The funds will be used to support law enforcement initiatives to reduce violent crime and drug use, especially amongst juveniles, as well as for neighborhood restoration efforts to improve housing conditions.


"Public safety is job one, and providing Poughkeepsie with the resources to prevent crime and support community development is a critical first step to achieve that goal," Schumer said. "Programs like Weed and Seed help stop crime through community efforts and they improve residents' quality of life. I will continue to fight for federal anti-crime funds to help support programs that promote community growth and safety."


In order to receive a grant, the Weed and Seed Program requires that a community demonstrate local coordination efforts in its application for official recognition and include a firm commitment of either time or resources. The Poughkeepsie site received official recognition in June 2005. This is its third award to implement its strategy.


The City of Poughkeepsie will use the additional $150,000 grant to fund law enforcement activities, reduce violent and juvenile crimes, decrease the use and sale of drugs, and diminish the presence of gangs. In addition, community policing efforts will enhance residents' capacity to be involved with policing activities, minimize environmental conditions conducive to crime, and reduce incidents of residential code violations. Funds will also support neighborhood restoration projects that will help improve housing conditions and the safety of the physical environment of the community in order to increase business investments in the designated area.


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