Congressman Mike Ross Newsletter June 13, 2008

June 13, 2008
Congressman Mike Ross - Arkansas's 4th Congressional District

Today's National Debt:  $9,414,231,362,946.90
Your Share:  $30,951.41

Dear Friend,

Oil prices are reaching record highs on what seem like a daily basis, which are causing energy and utility costs to take a heavy toll on our nation’s working families, seniors, farmers and small businesses. This week, I worked with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to introduce legislation and demand action to find a solution to our nation’s energy crisis. I am proud to have taken these necessary steps to help relieve the mounting pressure increased energy costs are having on our nation’s economy.

I was proud to cosponsor legislation introduced by House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman John Dingell to study the factors that affect the price of crude oil and refined products. This study will examine the effects of market speculation on oil prices and determine how to effectively oversee and regulate the crude oil and refined petroleum product markets. I believe that this legislation is critical to understanding what factors are causing the current spike in gas prices American consumers have been forced to pay at the pump.

This week, I also joined with my colleagues in the House to encourage the development of new, alternative and renewable fuels to help put our nation on a path toward energy independence. In light of the rising cost of food commodities such as corn that have alternate uses, I contacted the Environmental Protection Agency and urged them to pursue programs to advance the development of biofuels that do not rely specifically on food-based feedstocks, such as cellulosic ethanol that can be developed from a host of sources. In addition, I sent a letter to House Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Norm Dicks, urging him to include funding for domestic energy development in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in the appropriations process this year. The responsible development of our domestic oil and natural gas resources are essential to our nation’s energy security and economic growth.

As gas prices hit an average of $4.05 per gallon, a new historic high, it is past time to enact a comprehensive energy plan to benefit all Americans. This is one of my top priorities in Congress and I remain committed to working in Washington to help our nation turn the corner and take the necessary steps to become more energy independent.


Mike Ross Signature
Mike Ross

Mike speaks about energy issues before the Delta Grassroots Caucus on their recent trip to Washington, D.C.

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