



Congressman Blackburn is a friend of the farmer and understands that agriculture legislation that happens in Washington affects the lives of farmers of Tennessee's 7th district.

As a Member of Congress, she pushed for agriculture-based funding of college programs at several universities throughout the state, including the University of Tennessee in Knoxville and Tennessee State University in Nashville.

Blackburn recognizes the regional hindrances many farmers face. She has supported efforts to fund the Appalachian Horticulture Research Unit, which focuses heavily on developing disease resistant plants. She also asked Congress to fund research on the potentially devastating effects of the boll weevil which feed on cotton, a cash crop for many farmers in Tennessee's 7th district.

Congressman Blackburn co-sponsored a bill that would limit the quantity of imported cotton. The bill would have promoted U.S. grown cotton and positively impact the regional economy that is largely affected by cotton production.

She has also been a leader in the promotion of bio diesel fuel. She was a co-sponsor of a bill that would reconstruct the Internal Revenue code that would allow a consumer credit for those that use the fuel.

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Press Release - Blackburn Votes Against More Wasteful Spending 5.14.2008

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