Max Baucus - United States Senator from Montana


As Co-Chairman Of Sportsmen’s Caucus, Senator Looks To Boost Public Land Access

January 31, 2007

(Washington D.C.) – Montana Senator Max Baucus has been picked to lead the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, a group of lawmakers who work to boost access for hunting and fishing across the country.

At a news conference on Capitol Hill today, Baucus outlined his plans to work with caucus Co-chairman Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) to pass legislation that will expand access for hunting, fishing, and recreation.

The Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus consists of senators and congressmen – both Republicans and Democrats – working together with outside sportsmen and women groups to protect public lands so future generations can hunt, fish, hike and do other outdoor activities.

Baucus’ first action as co-chairman of the Caucus was to introduce the Rural Heritage Conservation Extension Act of 2007 today in the Senate. Baucus’ legislation makes permanent a provision that Baucus passed last year to enable farmers and ranchers to voluntarily place land into conservation easements that help protect wildlife habitat. Farmers and ranchers who make contributions can deduct up to 100 percent of their adjusted gross income and can receive the tax break for up to 15 years, Baucus said.

“Montana is an outdoors state – we hunt, we fish, we hike, we take our kids camping and I’m committed to keeping access to our public lands,” Baucus said. “To assure that open space and habitat will be there for future generations, we must help our hard-working farmers and ranchers preserve this precious heritage and their way-of-life. Conservation easements have been tremendously successful in preserving open space and wildlife habitat.”

Baucus also outlined his other plans as co-chairman of the Sportsmen’s Caucus for the 110th Congress.

Baucus’ Plans As Co-chairman Of Sportsmen’s Caucus

Montana Advisory Committee: Baucus is forming an advisory committee consisting of sportsmen and women from Montana to work together with the Sportmen’s Caucus on ways to protect access to hunting and fishing lands in Montana and around the country.

Open Fields: Baucus plans to work on Open Fields legislation, which would establish a nation-wide, voluntary, incentive-based program to pay private landowners to improve habitat quality and quantity and to allow walk-in access to the public for hunting and fishing.

Hunting Heritage Protection Act: Baucus will work to pass a Hunting Heritage Protection Act which would make it mandatory for a federal land management agency to notify Congress before closing any Federal land to public hunting if the affected acreage totals more than 5000 acres. Also, if a federal land management agency were to restrict access on land that is used for hunting, the agency would have to open new hunting land equivalent to what it’s restricting.

2nd Amendment Protection: Baucus said he will fight any attempts to erode Montanans rights to keep and bear arms.

Baucus is chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee which has jurisdiction over all taxes. Baucus’ Rural Heritage Conservation Extension Act of 2007 will go to the Finance Committee for its consideration before going to the Senate floor.

