Max Baucus - United States Senator from Montana


Senator Addresses Montanans, Chinese Delegation Live From Washington, D.C.

May 23, 2007

(Washington, D.C.) - Live from his Senate office in Washington, D.C., Montana's senior U.S. Senator Max Baucus today welcomed a Chinese buying delegation to Billings, saying the Treasure State is a solid place to do business.

As a direct result of Baucus' recent Montana Economic Development Summit in Butte, more than 40 Chinese investors and government officials today attended a "Business Expo" organized by Baucus at MSU-Billings. The expo gave Montana companies a chance to pitch their products to the Chinese, who represented a wide swath of private sector officials from several industry sectors in that country.

The visit was the first of its kind in Montana's history, Baucus said. And it was slightly different from other foreign delegations that have visited Montana, because the group includes primarily private-sector decision makers.

The Chinese delegation, which is composed of government and private sector senior management, is designed to buy U.S. goods and services, foster investment, and strengthen economic ties. The group has been touring several U.S. cities, including a recent stop in San Francisco, where the delegation inked deals worth more than $4 billion. The group changed its schedule at Baucus' request in order to visit Billings.

Baucus was unable to make it to the Magic City because the U.S. Senate is in session. But he addressed the Business Expo live via a video conferencing system from his Washington, D.C. office.

"Throughout Montana's history, when a newcomer arrives, they have been welcomed by a generous spirit," said Baucus during his live via video conferencing address. "We will show you the lay of the land. We will introduce you to how we do things. We will listen to your ideas. And we will promise to work together where we can. This is what today's event is about. Working together. Learning from each other. Identifying opportunities."

Baucus said the Chinese are interested in buying goods and services from a host of economic sectors, including foodstuffs, agricultural, the automobile industry, software, IT, telecommunications, mining, oils, chemicals, transportation, tourism and construction, as well as many others.

The Business Expo was split into two portions. During the morning, Montana businesses made presentations to the delegation highlighting the benefits of doing business in Montana and with Montana companies. In the afternoon, Baucus' office arranged individual one-on-one meetings between interested parties to help foster direct business relationships.

Baucus said he will direct his office to follow up with both the Montana and Chinese companies after the expo in an effort to ink deals.

"Today's Expo is a great opportunity to showcase the Big Sky state and all that we have to offer," Baucus said. "It's a great opportunity to create more good-paying jobs and to boost our state's economy."

Baucus teamed up with the Big Sky EDA and the Billings-area Chamber of Commerce to host the event.

"Montana has a champion in Senator Max Baucus," said Joe McClure, Big Sky EDA-EDC Executive Director. "As Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, his seniority brings our state, the city of Billings, to the global marketplace. Economic development knows no borders, only mutual opportunity. Thank you Senator Baucus for your commitment to growing our economy."

"This is an amazing opportunity for Montana businesses," Brewer said. "Chances like this don't come around every day - we have to grab hold of it and make the best pitch we can. Many thanks to Max for using his seniority to bring this high-profile delegation to Billings."

Before the Economic Development Summit in Butte on April 30 and May 1, Baucus played host to ambassadors from six foreign countries on a tour of several Montana companies, including Wood's Powr Grip in Laurel. Chinese Ambassador to the U.S., Zhou Wenzhong, participated in the tour and attended Baucus' Jobs Summit.

-Baucus' prepared remarks are attached-

Remarks to the Montana-China Expo (As Prepared) By Senator Max Baucus May 23, 2007 via VisionNet

Greetings from Washington, D.C. I wish that I could be in Billings with you today.

But even from this distance, it is a pleasure to welcome Mr. Jin, his Ministry of Commerce colleagues, and so many exciting Chinese businesses to Montana.

As many of you know, this delegation was already in the United States traveling to major cities, when I asked that they come to Montana. They changed their plans, turned on a dime, and came to the Big Sky State.

You have shown real flexibility and generosity to come to Billings on such short notice. On behalf of all Montanans, I thank you very much. I want to personally thank Madam Ma Xiuhong (" Mah Shoe-HONG"), the Vice-Minister of MOFCOM for her dedicated efforts to make this mission a reality. We also have a great showing of Montanans who have changed their plans in the middle of the week to be here. I know you are all giving Chinese guests a warm Montana welcome.

Distinguished Chinese visitors are becoming a familiar sight in Montana. Just three weeks ago, I welcomed your esteemed Ambassador Zhou ("JOE") to Billings, Bozeman, and Butte. I plan on asking him to return. I also hope that your trip is also the first of many.

For my part, I will continue bringing Montanans to China, as I have for the past ten years.

You have traveled to Montana on a well-worn path. For centuries, the ambitious and optimistic have been coming to our state from around the world.

Two hundred years ago, fur trappers came in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark to hunt and trade. Then Dutch, German, and Norwegian homesteaders came to work the land. Irish, Chinese, and Eastern European miners followed. Today, west coast entrepreneurs are incubating biotechnology and high tech start-ups here.

Each group came from a different place, for a unique reason, on their own path. But every one of these groups saw the same thing in Montana. They saw opportunity.

Opportunity in Montana's land, in Montana's resources, and in Montana's ingenuity. That is why all of you are in Montana today. Looking for opportunity. Looking for opportunity for your economy and for Montana's economy. Looking for opportunity in cooperation and in mutual prosperity. And looking for opportunity to create good-paying jobs.

Let me tell you, today, like one hundred years ago, opportunity is out there. It may not be easy to find. But it never has been. It was not easy for homesteaders one hundred years ago. It is not always simple today.

But throughout Montana's history, when a newcomer arrives, they have been welcomed by a generous spirit. We will show you the lay of the land. We will introduce you to how we do things. We will listen to your ideas. And we will promise to work together where we can.

This is what today's event is about. Working together. Learning from each other. Identifying opportunities.

I know that Prof. Polzin already sketched a picture of Montana's economy for you. Some of our dynamic companies - Ligocyte, Liquid Engineering, Montana Resources, MRL Equipment, and ORIgen - added color and texture to that picture.

Now you get to the most exciting part - identifying opportunities. Next door Montana companies have set up tables to help you learn what they do.

You will quickly see what I already know - whatever Montanans do, they do it well. Then all of you - our Chinese guests and Montana companies - are invited to sit down, and get to know each other one-on-one, and turn these new contacts into business opportunities.

Again, welcome to Montana. I wish all of you an exciting and productive afternoon.

