Max Baucus - United States Senator from Montana


Senator Says 50 Chinese Purchasing Officials Will Come To Billings May 23

May 18, 2007

(Billings, MT.) - A major Chinese buying delegation will be in Billings on May 23 to survey Montana products and foster stronger business ties with Montana companies, senator Max Baucus announced today during a news conference in Billings.

As a direct result of Baucus' recent Montana Economic Development Summit in Butte, about 50 Chinese investors and government officials will attend a "Business Expo" organized by Baucus at MSU-Billings, starting at 8:30 a.m. The expo will give Montana companies a chance to pitch their products to the Chinese, who will represent a wide swath of private sector officials from several industry sectors in that country.

The visit is slightly different from other foreign delegations that have visited Montana, Baucus said, because the group includes primarily private-sector decision makers. The Chinese delegation, which is composed of presidents and vice presidents from more than 30 Chinese companies, is designed to buy U.S. goods and services, foster investment, and strengthen economic ties. The group has been touring several U.S. cities, including a recent stop in San Francisco where the delegation inked deals worth more than $4 billion, and has changed its schedule at Baucus' request in order to visit Billings.

"This is a great opportunity for Montana, and for Montana businesses," Baucus said. "Following up on a great Jobs Summit, this expo will be a chance for Montanans to sell their world class products, which means more good-paying jobs."

Baucus said the Chinese are interested in buying goods and services from a host of economic sectors, including foodstuffs, agricultural, the automobile industry, electric software, IT, telecommunications, mining, oils, chemicals, transportation, tourism and construction, as well as many others.

Baucus' office will cast a statewide net to bring Montana businesses that have corresponding interests to the table Wednesday.

The May 23 expo will be split into two portions. During the morning, Montana businesses will make presentations to the delegation highlighting the benefits of doing business in Montana and with Montana companies. In the afternoon, Baucus' office will arrange individual one-on-one meetings between interested parties to help foster direct business relationships. "Montana is the best place in the world to do business," Baucus said. "And I am happy to provide a venue for Montanans to showcase their products, and help open new markets, which will boost our economy and create more good-paying jobs. Baucus was joined at the news conference by Big Sky EDA executive Joe McClure and the Billings-area Chamber of Commerce president, John Brewer. "Montana has a champion in Senator Max Baucus," said Joe McClure, Big Sky EDA-EDC Executive Director. "As Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, his seniority brings our state, the city of Billings, to the global marketplace. Economic development knows no borders, only mutual opportunity. Thank you Senator Baucus for your commitment to growing our economy." "This is going to be an amazing opportunity for Montana businesses," Brewer said. "Chances like this don't come around every day - we have to grab hold of it and make the best pitch we can. Many thanks to Max for using his seniority to bring this high-profile delegation to Billings." Before the Economic Development Summit in Butte on April 30 and May 1, Baucus played host to ambassadors from six foreign countries on a tour of several Montana companies, including Wood's Power Grip in Laurel. Chinese Ambassador to the U.S., Zhou Wenzhong, participated in the tour and attended Baucus' jobs summit. The expo is free and open to the public, and Baucus is encouraging all Montana businesses to attend. To register, interested companies are asked to call 1-800-332-6106 by Tuesday at noon. To reserve exhibition space please contact James Corson in Baucus' office at (406) 657-6790. The complete schedule of events for Wednesday's expo is attached.
