Max Baucus - United States Senator from Montana


Senator Says Measure Would Provide Incentives To Help Protect Land, Endangered Species

February 28, 2007

(Washington, D.C.) - At a press conference on Capitol Hill U.S. Senator Max Baucus today introduced the Endangered Species Recovery Act of 2007 (ESRA), which will provide tax incentives to help protect land and boost endangered species populations.

Baucus, chairman of the powerful U.S. Senate Finance Committee - the panel that has jurisdiction over all taxes - teamed up with Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) to introduce ESRA, which provides tax incentives for farmers, ranchers and private landowners who voluntarily agree to put easements on their property or agree to restore, enhance, or manage endangered species habitat on their land. Baucus said that the legislation introduced today will go through his committee - the Finance Committee - before going to the full Senate for its consideration.

"Montana is an outdoors state," Baucus said. "We hunt, we fish, we hike, we take our kids camping. I want to do my part to help ensure that our children and our children's children are able to take advantage of the great outdoors. That's why I introduced this legislation - to help protect our land and to help our endangered species too."

Baucus' Endangered Species Recovery Bill: • Farmers, ranchers and other eligible taxpayers may receive a tax credit if they own habitat or incur costs to recover endangered species. • Farmers, ranchers and other eligible taxpayers may enter into a perpetual conservation easement, a 30 year conservation easement or an agreement for a specific period of time. • Participating taxpayers will develop a management plan with schedule, deadline and monitoring and assistance for participating in the recovery program.

Baucus' bill has broad support from both Republicans and Democrats as well as hunting and fishing groups - such as the Congressional Sportsmen Foundation, National Wildlife Federation, Environmental Defense, the Defenders of Wildlife, the National Endangered Species Act Reform Coalition (NESARC) and Farm Bureau.

"By encouraging landowners to enter into these agreements, we can help protect Montana's outdoor heritage," Baucus said. "I'm committed to working together with my colleagues to get this bill passed."

Baucus and Crapo are co-chairmen of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus, which is a group of lawmakers who work to boost access for hunting and fishing across the country.
