Max Baucus - United States Senator from Montana


Senator Working To Help Those Affected By Drought, Flood

September 12, 2006

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) –– At a press conference on Capitol Hill today, Montana’s senior U.S. Senator Max Baucus and others today called on Congress to pass an emergency disaster assistance package that will help agriculture producers recover from extended drought and wildfire in Montana.

Baucus, a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, was joined by other farm-state senators as well as members from national farm organizations.

“Our producers have suffered long enough – it’s high time for Congress to pass agriculture disaster assistance legislation now,” Baucus said. “Montana producers have suffered more than enough from consecutive years of drought and now they have to deal with losses due to wildfires as well. They need our help and they deserve it now.”

Last week, Baucus, a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, helped introduce legislation to provide assistance for agricultural producers who have suffered crop or livestock losses due to natural disasters during 2005 and 2006.

The new bill also incorporates provisions from legislation Baucus previously introduced that will help livestock producers recover from losses due to wildfires, including a payment for each animal lost to this year’s fires.

More than 20 national farm organizations, including the National Farmers Union and the American Farm Bureau Federation, have written Congress to endorse disaster legislation.

Jon Stoner, President of the Montana Grain Growers Association, attended the press conference calling for agricultural disaster assistance.

"We appreciate all of the work and strong support Senator Baucus gives to Montana agricultural producers," said Jon Stoner, President of the Montana Grain Growers Association. "After suffering multiple years of drought and ever increasing input costs, this agricultural disaster assistance legislation is very much needed by Montana producers."

The bill would provide emergency funding to farmers and ranchers who have suffered weather-related crop production shortfalls, quality losses and damage to livestock feed supplies. It will also provide direct payments for livestock losses, has a special provision for sugar beat producers, and includes aid for replacing ewe lambs.

The bill will also help farmers overcome losses as a result of energy prices that spiked following last year’s hurricanes. Energy-related farm expenses rose by more than $1.2 billion last year compared to 2004; unlike other industries, farmers and ranchers are largely unable to pass on these costs, meaning those higher energy costs continue to squeeze an already tight bottom line.

“Agriculture is not only the backbone of Montana but of our country as well,” Baucus said. “When a community or an industry is impacted by a natural disaster such as a hurricane or tornado, we extend a helping hand. Agriculture should not be any different. We must all work together to ensure that our agriculture products remain the best and highest quality in the world.”

Baucus is the only member of the Montana delegation to have a seat on the Agriculture Committee.

