Monday, July 30, 2007
Public Health

Waxman and Obama Introduce Bill to Improve Emergency Medical Care and Response

On Wednesday, July 25, 2007, Rep. Waxman and Sen. Obama introduced legislation to help struggling emergency departments across the United States.

On June 22, 2007 , the Committee held an Oversight hearing on the nation's emergency care crisis.  This hearing followed a 2006 Institute of Medicine report that found the emergency care system is ill-prepared and overburdened.

The legislation introduced, H.R. 3173,  Improving Emergency Medical Care and Response Act of 2007, will provide support for research into emergency medicine and create a 5 year independently evaluated pilot program that will:

*Coordinate public health, safety, and emergency services;

*Facilitate timely access to emergency medical services;

*Establish a mechanism to ensure that the right patient gets to the right hospital at the right time;

*Track hospital resources, staffing and capacity in real time (e.g., statistics on bed capacity/ambulance diversion);

*Facilitate pre-hospital and inter-facility transports during disasters; and

*Promote emergency care research by coordinating efforts across federal agencies.