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Energy and Gas Price Clearinghouse


Discussing Oil Industry and Exploration on Bloomberg, July 14, 2008
While I am sympathetic to the oil companies wanting to drill where they have the most promise, they have taken these leases. They have reserved them. They are not pursuing them, and we believe, and experts believe, there are vast stores of oil in those areas...
Discusses Oil & Gas Drilling on House Floor, July 17, 2008
This bill says, let's drill, let's get american product to american consumers and try to bring down prices...
Discussing Energy Industry and Energy Policy on House Floor, July 10, 2008
I see the distinguished minority leader rise. I see other members on that side of the aisle rise, beat their chest about drilling. My side of the aisle is for drilling. We just had a press conference on drilling, but as i sit there, i think to myself, you know, the american people gave the opportunity to the republican party...
Discussing Energy Policy, June 26, 2008
This bill as well as the other two bills considered on this floor today on drilling and market speculation is a clear recognition by this house majority that america's energy policy cannot be one dimensional...

Gas Price Fact Sheets from House Leadership  

A New Direction on Energy Independence

Republican Arguments on Energy and Drilling are Nonsense 

Drilling Down on Republican Rhetoric on Gas Prices 

President Bush Continues Call For Failed Energy Policies of the Past

Rebutting Republicans' "No More Excuses Energy Act"

Big Oil Spends Millions on Ad Campaign, Leaves Acres Undeveloped

Big Oil Sitting on 68 Million Acres of Land - Refusing to Develop and Drill 

Republicans Use Scare Tactics to Promote Failed “Drill & Veto” Energy Policies of the Past

Vice President Cheney Admits Claim China is Drilling Off the Coast of FL is False, When Will House Republicans Admit They Are Wrong Too?

Talking Points on Gas Prices and Energy Independence

Energy by the Numbers

Fact Sheet on the Impact of Rising Energy Costs

Questions and Answer on Gas Prices

Record Gas Prices Demand Temporary Suspension of Oil Purchases for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve 


Fact Sheets on Energy Legislation 

The "Use It or Lose It" Bill: Mandate Big Oil to Drill Lands They Already Lease

Use It or Lose It: The Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act 

Energy Markets Emergency Act: Curbing Excessive Energy Speculation that is Driving Up Gas Prices

Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act: Reduced Public Transit Fares for Commuters Pinched at the Pump

Energy Price Gouging Prevention Act: New Tools to Fight Record Gas Prices

Talking Points on Response to Republican Claim that H.R. 6251 Restates Existing Law


Natural Resources Committee

Report on Federal Oil and Gas Leasing, includes charts

Facts on Drilling 


Science and Technology Committee 

Report on Energy Alternatives 


Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming  

Report on Oil Company Profits and Investments 


Congressional Budget Office  

Effects of Gasoline Prices on Driving Behavior and Vehicle Markets 


Charts on Gas Prices and Drilling 

Overview of Congressional Action on Gas Prices

Drilling: Using Resources in the U.S. 

Gasoline Prices and Oil Company Profits 


Maps of Producing and Non-Producing Federal Leases 

Map Comparing ANWR and NPR-A 

Map of Oil and Gas Leases in the Gulf of Mexico 

Map of Oil and Gas Leases in the Western United States 


Energy Statistics from the Energy Information Administration  

Weekly Gasoline and Diesel Prices

U.S. Weekly Gasoline Prices, Regular Grade

Weekly Refinery Utilization and Production

U.S. Crude and Natural Gas Reserves Report

Analysis of Oil and Gas Production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge


CRS Reports (Congressional Research Service) 

The Disparity Between Retail Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Prices 

Gasoline Prices: Legislation in the 110th Congress 

Gasoline and Petroleum, High Prices: CRS Experts (link only available to Congressional staff)

Regulation of Energy Derivatives 

The Use of Profit by the Five Major Oil Companies 

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve: History, Perspectives, and Issues 

Energy: Selected Facts and Numbers 

Renewable Energy: Background and Issues for the 110th Congress 

Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007: A Summary of Major Provisions 

Cuba: Issues for the 110th Congress