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Sutton Honored by American Farm Bureau

Sep. 12 - "Our farmers not only supply the food that feeds America's families, they make critically important contributions to our economy. I am honored to have been selected by the American Farm Bureau for this award," said Congresswoman Sutton. "I will continue to work with America's family farmers, support food and nutrition programs and fight to maintain the safety of our food supply for families in Ohio and across the country." | More

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Sutton Helps Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act

Jul. 31 - "The American people expect their government to stand up for fairness and justice. The Paycheck Fairness Act is not only about changing the way we treat our working women, it's about paying rent, putting food on the table and paying for college tuition." | More

Sutton Continues Leadership in Steering Great Lakes Compact Through Congress

Jul. 30 - The Great Lakes are among our greatest natural resources. They are the largest fresh water source in the world and must be protected. This Compact will allow local communities, including those I represent, to utilize their resources for generations to come. It is essential that the water from the Great Lakes' basin not be carelessly diverted. | More

Sutton Helps Pass the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act Through House of Representatives

Jul. 30 - "For far too long, we have been reading story upon story about dangerous toys and contaminated food. Imports from foreign countries continue to grow and many manufacturers from foreign countries fail to adhere to even basic safety standards. The American people should not have to worry about the safety of the products they use or the toys they give their children to play with." | More

Sutton Leads Successful Effort to Compensate Soldiers Affected by Stop-Loss

Jul. 30 - This is very good news for our nation's soldiers and I am pleased that I was able to lead the successful effort with Senator Frank Lautenberg to move this compensation forward. We also were able to ensure that this measure is retroactive, benefiting the approximately 120,000 men and woman who have been affected by this policy since 2001. | More

Sutton, Levin and Kildee Seek Funding for Advanced Technology Vehicles

Jul. 28 - "The health of the auto industry is critical for our Nation and particularly for my district which is home to the Ford plant in Avon Lake. The Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Incentive Program will help bring renewed vitality to this sector while promoting clean car technology," said Congresswoman Sutton. | More


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