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Legislation co-sponsored by Congressman Kline in the 110th Congress.

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)


Items 1 through 100 of 339

1. H.CON.RES.28 : Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued to promote public awareness of Down syndrome.
Sponsor: Rep Sessions, Pete [TX-32] (introduced 1/10/2007)      Cosponsors (38)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 1/10/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

2. H.CON.RES.98 : Expressing the sense of Congress that provisions that provoke veto threats from the President should not be included on bills that appropriate funds for the implementation of recommendations of the Base Closure and Realignment Commission.
Sponsor: Rep Tiahrt, Todd [KS-4] (introduced 3/22/2007)      Cosponsors (9)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 4/3/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Readiness.

3. H.CON.RES.131 : Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.
Sponsor: Rep Wilson, Joe [SC-2] (introduced 4/25/2007)      Cosponsors (70)
Committees: House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 4/25/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

4. H.CON.RES.163 : Expressing the sense of Congress in support of further research and activities to increase public awareness, professional education, diagnosis, and treatment of Dandy-Walker syndrome and hydrocephalus.
Sponsor: Rep Wilson, Heather [NM-1] (introduced 5/24/2007)      Cosponsors (105)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce; Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Latest Major Action: 6/27/2008 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

5. H.CON.RES.176 : Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued to honor our Nation's disabled veterans.
Sponsor: Rep Buchanan, Vern [FL-13] (introduced 6/27/2007)      Cosponsors (108)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 6/27/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

6. H.CON.RES.185 : Concurrent resolution commending the 1st Brigade Combat Team/34th Infantry Division of the Minnesota National Guard upon its completion of the longest continuous deployment of any United States ground combat military unit in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Sponsor: Rep Walz, Timothy J. [MN-1] (introduced 7/13/2007)      Cosponsors (38)
Committees: House Armed Services; Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 10/2/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.

7. H.CON.RES.215 : Supporting the designation of a week as "National Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator Awareness Week".
Sponsor: Rep Kuhl, John R. "Randy", Jr. [NY-29] (introduced 9/19/2007)      Cosponsors (84)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform; Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Latest Major Action: 12/12/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

8. H.CON.RES.240 : Commending the Alaska Army National Guard for its service to the State of Alaska and the citizens of the United States.
Sponsor: Rep Young, Don [AK] (introduced 10/24/2007)      Cosponsors (35)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 12/5/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.

9. H.CON.RES.244 : Supporting the Local Radio Freedom Act.
Sponsor: Rep Green, Gene [TX-29] (introduced 10/31/2007)      Cosponsors (225)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 10/31/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

10. H.CON.RES.246 : Honoring the United States Marine Corps for serving and defending the United States on the anniversary of its founding on November 10, 1775.
Sponsor: Rep Shea-Porter, Carol [NH-1] (introduced 11/6/2007)      Cosponsors (75)
Committees: House Armed Services; Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 1/22/2008 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Armed Services.

11. H.CON.RES.254 : Recognizing and celebrating the centennial of Oklahoma statehood.
Sponsor: Rep Fallin, Mary [OK-5] (introduced 11/13/2007)      Cosponsors (55)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform; Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 12/19/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

12. H.CON.RES.261 : Commemorating the centennial anniversary of the sailing of the Navy's "Great White Fleet," launched by President Theodore Roosevelt on December 16, 1907, from Hampton Roads, Virginia, and returning there on February 22, 1909.
Sponsor: Rep Drake, Thelma D. [VA-2] (introduced 11/15/2007)      Cosponsors (59)
Committees: House Armed Services; Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 12/12/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.

13. H.CON.RES.263 : To establish the Joint Select Committee on Earmark Reform, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Kingston, Jack [GA-1] (introduced 11/15/2007)      Cosponsors (160)
Committees: House Rules
Latest Major Action: 11/15/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Rules.

14. H.CON.RES.315 : Supporting the idea that coalition victory in Iraq is possible.
Sponsor: Rep Wilson, Joe [SC-2] (introduced 3/11/2008)      Cosponsors (112)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 3/11/2008 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.

15. H.CON.RES.322 : Recognizing the 60th anniversary of the founding of the modern State of Israel and reaffirming the bonds of close friendship and cooperation between the United States and Israel.
Sponsor: Rep Pelosi, Nancy [CA-8] (introduced 4/4/2008)      Cosponsors (279)
Committees: House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 4/24/2008 Passed/agreed to in Senate. Status: Received in the Senate, considered, and passed without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.

16. H.CON.RES.323 : Expressing Congressional support for the goals and ideals of National Health Care Decisions Day.
Sponsor: Rep Gingrey, Phil [GA-11] (introduced 4/8/2008)      Cosponsors (106)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 4/23/2008 Received in the Senate. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 713.

17. H.CON.RES.357 : Encouraging all States to enact laws requiring photo identification to vote in elections.
Sponsor: Rep Feeney, Tom [FL-24] (introduced 5/20/2008)      Cosponsors (61)
Committees: House Administration
Latest Major Action: 5/20/2008 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.

18. H.CON.RES.362 : Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the threat posed to international peace, stability in the Middle East, and the vital national security interests of the United States by Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and regional hegemony, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Ackerman, Gary L. [NY-5] (introduced 5/22/2008)      Cosponsors (271)
Committees: House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 5/22/2008 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

19. H.CON.RES.386 : Recognizing and celebrating the 232nd anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Sponsor: Rep Sali, Bill [ID-1] (introduced 6/26/2008)      Cosponsors (58)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 9/10/2008 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.

20. H.RES.40 : Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to establish a minority bill of rights to require the House to be administered in a bipartisan manner and to require regular order in the legislative process.
Sponsor: Rep McHenry, Patrick T. [NC-10] (introduced 1/9/2007)      Cosponsors (20)
Committees: House Rules
Latest Major Action: 1/9/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Rules.

21. H.RES.69 : Recognizing and honoring Benny Parsons and expressing the condolences of the House of Representatives to his family on his death.
Sponsor: Rep Hayes, Robin [NC-8] (introduced 1/17/2007)      Cosponsors (57)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 2/7/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.

22. H.RES.79 : Recognizing the establishment of Hunters for the Hungry programs across the United States and the contributions of those programs efforts to decrease hunger and help feed those in need.
Sponsor: Rep Gingrey, Phil [GA-11] (introduced 1/19/2007)      Cosponsors (40)
Committees: House Agriculture
House Reports: 110-343
Latest Major Action: 9/24/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.

23. H.RES.111 : Establishing a Select Committee on POW and MIA Affairs.
Sponsor: Rep King, Peter T. [NY-3] (introduced 1/30/2007)      Cosponsors (280)
Committees: House Rules
Latest Major Action: 1/30/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Rules.
Note: On 6/24/2008, a motion was filed to discharge the Rules Committee from consideration of H.Res. 1240, which provides for the consideration of H.Res. 111. A discharge petition requires 218 signatures for further action. (Discharge Petition No. 110-11: text with signatures.)

24. H.RES.127 : Recognizing and celebrating the 50th anniversary of the entry of Alaska in the Union as the 49th State.
Sponsor: Rep Young, Don [AK] (introduced 2/5/2007)      Cosponsors (52)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 6/9/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 375 - 0 (Roll no. 390).

25. H.RES.223 : Supporting the goals and ideals of a National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims.
Sponsor: Rep Shadegg, John B. [AZ-3] (introduced 3/7/2007)      Cosponsors (59)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 5/14/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 369 - 0 (Roll no. 343).

26. H.RES.231 : Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to require all committees post record votes on their web sites within 48 hours of such votes.
Sponsor: Rep Sessions, Pete [TX-32] (introduced 3/9/2007)      Cosponsors (131)
Committees: House Rules
Latest Major Action: 3/9/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Rules.

27. H.RES.268 : Supporting responsible fatherhood, promoting marriage, and encouraging greater involvement of fathers in the lives of their children, especially on Father's Day.
Sponsor: Rep McIntyre, Mike [NC-7] (introduced 3/26/2007)      Cosponsors (58)
Committees: House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 6/27/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Healthy Families and Communities.

28. H.RES.271 : Recognizing the heroism and sacrifice of Medal of Honor recipients, commending the efforts of the Medal of Honor Host City Program in Gainesville, Texas, to celebrate and honor the contributions of Medal of Honor recipients, and encouraging the expansion of the program.
Sponsor: Rep Burgess, Michael C. [TX-26] (introduced 3/26/2007)      Cosponsors (16)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 4/3/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.

29. H.RES.305 : Honoring the 53,000 soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and civilians that comprise the Nation's special operations forces community.
Sponsor: Rep Drake, Thelma D. [VA-2] (introduced 4/17/2007)      Cosponsors (21)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 4/18/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.

30. H.RES.470 : Supporting efforts to increase childhood cancer awareness, treatment, and research.
Sponsor: Rep Pryce, Deborah [OH-15] (introduced 6/7/2007)      Cosponsors (26)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 9/25/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.

31. H.RES.499 : Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Administration should rigorously enforce the laws of the United States to substantially reduce illegal immigration and greatly improve border security.
Sponsor: Rep Smith, Lamar [TX-21] (introduced 6/19/2007)      Cosponsors (94)
Committees: House Judiciary; House Financial Services; House Homeland Security
Latest Major Action: 8/10/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law.

32. H.RES.508 : Recognizing the strong security alliance between the Government of Japan and the United States and expressing appreciation to Japan for its role in enhancing stability in the Asia-Pacific region and its efforts in the global war against terrorism.
Sponsor: Rep Saxton, Jim [NJ-3] (introduced 6/21/2007)      Cosponsors (41)
Committees: House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 9/5/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 405 - 0 (Roll no. 852).

33. H.RES.541 : Recognizing the Marines of Company M (or "Mike Company") of the 3rd Battalion, 7th Regiment, 1st Marine Division on the occasion of their 25th Annual Reunion.
Sponsor: Rep Terry, Lee [NE-2] (introduced 7/12/2007)      Cosponsors (63)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 7/19/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.

34. H.RES.543 : Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States Postal Service should issue a semipostal stamp to support medical research relating to Alzheimer's disease.
Sponsor: Rep Markey, Edward J. [MA-7] (introduced 7/12/2007)      Cosponsors (21)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform; House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 7/12/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.

35. H.RES.557 : Strongly condemning the United Nations Human Rights Council for ignoring severe human rights abuses in various countries, while choosing to unfairly target Israel by including it as the only country permanently placed on the Council's agenda.
Sponsor: Rep Campbell, John [CA-48] (introduced 7/19/2007)      Cosponsors (84)
Committees: House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 9/25/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 416 - 2 (Roll no. 901).

36. H.RES.605 : Supporting the goals and ideals of Gold Star Mothers Day.
Sponsor: Rep Roskam, Peter J. [IL-6] (introduced 8/1/2007)      Cosponsors (115)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 9/24/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.

37. H.RES.606 : Honoring the city of Minneapolis, first responders, and the citizens of the State of Minnesota for their valiant efforts in responding to the horrific collapse of the Interstate Route 35W Mississippi River Bridge.
Sponsor: Rep Ellison, Keith [MN-5] (introduced 8/2/2007)      Cosponsors (7)
Committees: House Transportation and Infrastructure
Latest Major Action: 9/5/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.

38. H.RES.617 : Supporting the goals and ideals of National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Markey, Edward J. [MA-7] (introduced 8/3/2007)      Cosponsors (7)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 8/3/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.

39. H.RES.641 : Acknowledging the importance of understanding the history of the United States of America and recognizing the need to foster civic responsibility in all citizens.
Sponsor: Rep McHenry, Patrick T. [NC-10] (introduced 9/7/2007)      Cosponsors (62)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 9/20/2007 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Ordered to be Reported by Unanimous Consent.

40. H.RES.644 : Reaffirming the commitment of the House of Representatives to respecting the independent and professional reputation of General David H. Petraeus and all members of the United States Armed Forces serving in good standing in the defense of the United States.
Sponsor: Rep Boehner, John A. [OH-8] (introduced 9/10/2007)      Cosponsors (33)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 9/10/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.

41. H.RES.648 : Supporting the goals and ideals of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Day.
Sponsor: Rep Issa, Darrell E. [CA-49] (introduced 9/10/2007)      Cosponsors (26)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 9/10/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.

42. H.RES.657 : Expressing heartfelt sympathy for the victims of the devastating thunderstorms that caused severe flooding during August 2007 in the States of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Walz, Timothy J. [MN-1] (introduced 9/17/2007)      Cosponsors (24)
Committees: House Transportation and Infrastructure
Latest Major Action: 10/2/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.

43. H.RES.680 : Condemning the actions of September 7, 2007, resulting in damage to the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial.
Sponsor: Rep Carter, John R. [TX-31] (introduced 9/25/2007)      Cosponsors (118)
Committees: House Veterans' Affairs
Latest Major Action: 10/23/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 0 (Roll no. 989).

44. H.RES.748 : Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3584) to amend title XXI of the Social Security Act to extend funding for 18 months for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Aderholt, Robert B. [AL-4] (introduced 10/16/2007)      Cosponsors (16)
Committees: House Rules
Latest Major Action: 11/15/2007 Motion to Discharge Committee filed by Mr. Aderholt. Petition No: 110-4.

45. H.RES.756 : Condemning the Wakf's digging activities at the Temple Mount site and deploring the destruction of artifacts vitally important to Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths.
Sponsor: Rep Cantor, Eric [VA-7] (introduced 10/18/2007)      Cosponsors (36)
Committees: House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 10/18/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

46. H.RES.776 : Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to require that rescission bills always be considered under open rules every year, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep King, Steve [IA-5] (introduced 10/25/2007)      Cosponsors (34)
Committees: House Rules
Latest Major Action: 10/25/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Rules.

47. H.RES.783 : Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration employees, volunteers, and veterans' service organizations that perform funeral honors and memorial honor details should be permitted to recite the 13 steps to fold an American flag (known as the "13-fold recital") at any national cemetery if requested by the family of the deceased.
Sponsor: Rep LaTourette, Steven C. [OH-14] (introduced 10/30/2007)      Cosponsors (85)
Committees: House Veterans' Affairs
Latest Major Action: 10/30/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

48. H.RES.786 : Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to require that general appropriations for military construction and veterans' affairs be considered as stand-alone measures.
Sponsor: Rep Gingrey, Phil [GA-11] (introduced 10/31/2007)      Cosponsors (133)
Committees: House Rules
Latest Major Action: 10/31/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Rules.

49. H.RES.789 : Honoring public child welfare agencies, nonprofit organizations and private entities providing services for foster children.
Sponsor: Rep Bachmann, Michele [MN-6] (introduced 11/1/2007)      Cosponsors (63)
Committees: House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 5/14/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by recorded vote (2/3 required): 414 - 0 (Roll no. 322).

50. H.RES.800 : Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the issuance of State driver's licenses or other government-issued photo identification to illegal aliens.
Sponsor: Rep Latham, Tom [IA-4] (introduced 11/6/2007)      Cosponsors (73)
Committees: House Transportation and Infrastructure
Latest Major Action: 11/7/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit.

51. H.RES.847 : Recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith.
Sponsor: Rep King, Steve [IA-5] (introduced 12/6/2007)      Cosponsors (60)
Committees: House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 12/11/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 372 - 9, 10 Present (Roll no. 1143).

52. H.RES.856 : Expresses heartfelt sympathy for the victims and families of the shootings in Omaha, Nebraska, on Wednesday, December 5, 2007.
Sponsor: Rep Terry, Lee [NE-2] (introduced 12/11/2007)      Cosponsors (73)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 12/17/2007 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 387 - 0 (Roll no. 1163).

53. H.RES.886 : Expressing sympathy to the victims and families of the tragic acts of violence in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Arvada, Colorado.
Sponsor: Rep Lamborn, Doug [CO-5] (introduced 12/18/2007)      Cosponsors (51)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 4/14/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 380 - 0 (Roll no. 183).

54. H.RES.887 : Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in remembrance of the victims and in honor of the veterans of the peacekeeping mission in Beirut, Lebanon, from 1982 to 1984.
Sponsor: Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3] (introduced 12/18/2007)      Cosponsors (19)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 12/18/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

55. H.RES.888 : Affirming the rich spiritual and religious history of our Nation's founding and subsequent history and expressing support for designation of the first week in May as "American Religious History Week" for the appreciation of and education on America's history of religious faith.
Sponsor: Rep Forbes, J. Randy [VA-4] (introduced 12/18/2007)      Cosponsors (91)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 12/18/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

56. H.RES.898 : Recognizing the State of Minnesota's 150th anniversary.
Sponsor: Rep Bachmann, Michele [MN-6] (introduced 12/19/2007)      Cosponsors (7)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 12/19/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

57. H.RES.923 : Recognizing the State of Minnesota's 150th anniversary.
Sponsor: Rep Bachmann, Michele [MN-6] (introduced 1/16/2008)      Cosponsors (120)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 6/3/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 363 - 0 (Roll no. 368).

58. H.RES.944 : Honoring the service and accomplishments of Lieutenant General Russel L. Honore, United States Army, for his 37 years of service on behalf of the United States.
Sponsor: Rep Scott, David [GA-13] (introduced 1/28/2008)      Cosponsors (72)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 2/25/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 380 - 0 (Roll no. 71).

59. H.RES.951 : Condemning the ongoing Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist organizations, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Garrett, Scott [NJ-5] (introduced 1/29/2008)      Cosponsors (265)
Committees: House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 3/5/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 404 - 1, 4 Present (Roll no. 93).

60. H.RES.959 : Supporting the Adopt-a-Platoon program, which encourages support to deployed soldiers through letters, care packages, pen pal campaigns, and monetary donations.
Sponsor: Rep Musgrave, Marilyn N. [CO-4] (introduced 2/6/2008)      Cosponsors (43)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 2/29/2008 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.

61. H.RES.961 : Commending the Alaska Army National Guard for its service to the State of Alaska and the citizens of the United States.
Sponsor: Rep Young, Don [AK] (introduced 2/6/2008)      Cosponsors (35)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 5/20/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.

62. H.RES.986 : Recognizing the courage and sacrifice of those members of the United States Armed Forces who were held as prisoners of war during the Vietnam conflict and calling for a full accounting of the 1,729 members of the Armed Forces who remain unaccounted for from the Vietnam conflict.
Sponsor: Rep Boehner, John A. [OH-8] (introduced 2/14/2008)      Cosponsors (57)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 5/22/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 394 - 0 (Roll no. 366).

63. H.RES.1016 : Expressing the condolences of the House of Representatives on the death of William F. Buckley, Jr.
Sponsor: Rep Feeney, Tom [FL-24] (introduced 3/4/2008)      Cosponsors (94)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 4/23/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.

64. H.RES.1051 : Congratulating James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, for 100 years of service and leadership to the United States.
Sponsor: Rep Goodlatte, Bob [VA-6] (introduced 3/14/2008)      Cosponsors (55)
Committees: House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 6/23/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 354 - 0 (Roll no. 440).

65. H.RES.1057 : Commemorating the 25th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative speech.
Sponsor: Rep Lamborn, Doug [CO-5] (introduced 3/14/2008)      Cosponsors (15)
Committees: House Armed Services; House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 3/14/2008 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

66. H.RES.1076 : Calling upon the courts to uphold the fundamental and constitutional right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children.
Sponsor: Rep McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" [CA-25] (introduced 4/3/2008)      Cosponsors (57)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 6/3/2008 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties.

67. H.RES.1106 : Expressing support for designation of April 2008 as "National Autism Awareness Month" and supporting efforts to devote new resources to research into the causes and treatment of autism and to improve training and support for individuals with autism and those who care for individuals with autism.
Sponsor: Rep Reichert, David G. [WA-8] (introduced 4/14/2008)      Cosponsors (114)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce; House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 5/21/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.

68. H.RES.1122 : Recognizing Armed Forces Day.
Sponsor: Rep Musgrave, Marilyn N. [CO-4] (introduced 4/17/2008)      Cosponsors (112)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 5/1/2008 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.

69. H.RES.1133 : Congratulating Winona State University on winning the 2008 Division II men's basketball championships.
Sponsor: Rep Walz, Timothy J. [MN-1] (introduced 4/22/2008)      Cosponsors (28)
Committees: House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 5/14/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 413 - 0 (Roll no. 316).

70. H.RES.1140 : Recognizing the 10th Anniversary of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.
Sponsor: Rep Franks, Trent [AZ-2] (introduced 4/23/2008)      Cosponsors (35)
Committees: House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 4/23/2008 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

71. H.RES.1219 : Celebrating the symbol of the United States flag and supporting the goals and ideals of Flag Day.
Sponsor: Rep Latta, Robert E. [OH-5] (introduced 5/21/2008)      Cosponsors (63)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 6/18/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.

72. H.RES.1255 : Honoring Toby Keith's commitment to members of the Armed Forces.
Sponsor: Rep Cole, Tom [OK-4] (introduced 6/10/2008)      Cosponsors (50)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 7/2/2008 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.

73. H.RES.1325 : Honoring the life of Jesse Alexander Helms, Jr., distinguished former Senator from North Carolina.
Sponsor: Rep McHenry, Patrick T. [NC-10] (introduced 7/9/2008)      Cosponsors (51)
Committees: House Administration
Latest Major Action: 7/10/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.

74. H.RES.1356 : Celebrating the 221st anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States of America, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Garrett, Scott [NJ-5] (introduced 7/17/2008)      Cosponsors (50)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 9/10/2008 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Ordered to be Reported by Voice Vote.

75. H.RES.1364 : Recognizing the persons who are serving or have served in the airborne forces of the Armed Forces.
Sponsor: Rep Davis, Geoff [KY-4] (introduced 7/22/2008)      Cosponsors (26)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 9/4/2008 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.

76. H.RES.1372 : Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the University of Nebraska at Omaha and recognizing the partnership between the City of Omaha, its citizens, and the University to build a vibrant and dynamic community.
Sponsor: Rep Terry, Lee [NE-2] (introduced 7/23/2008)      Cosponsors (31)
Committees: House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 7/23/2008 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Education and Labor.

77. H.RES.1383 : Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the independence of Bulgaria.
Sponsor: Rep Wilson, Joe [SC-2] (introduced 7/29/2008)      Cosponsors (54)
Committees: House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 9/9/2008 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.

78. H.RES.1391 : Prohibiting the House of Representatives from adjourning until it has approved a bill to establish a comprehensive national energy plan that addresses energy conservation and the expansion of renewable and conventional energy sources.
Sponsor: Rep Fortenberry, Jeff [NE-1] (introduced 7/30/2008)      Cosponsors (71)
Committees: House Rules
Latest Major Action: 7/30/2008 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Rules.

79. H.J.RES.1 : Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Sponsor: Rep Goodlatte, Bob [VA-6] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (163)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 2/2/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties.

80. H.J.RES.62 : To honor the achievements and contributions of Native Americans to the United States, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Baca, Joe [CA-43] (introduced 11/13/2007)      Cosponsors (83)
Committees: House Education and Labor; Senate Indian Affairs
Senate Reports: 110-435
Latest Major Action: 7/31/2008 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 926.

81. H.J.RES.67 : Supporting a base Defense Budget that at the very minimum matches 4 percent of gross domestic product.
Sponsor: Rep Franks, Trent [AZ-2] (introduced 12/6/2007)      Cosponsors (26)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 1/23/2008 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.

82. H.J.RES.81 : Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to control spending.
Sponsor: Rep Campbell, John [CA-48] (introduced 4/30/2008)      Cosponsors (37)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 6/3/2008 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties.

83. H.J.RES.89 : Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to marriage.
Sponsor: Rep Broun, Paul C. [GA-10] (introduced 5/22/2008)      Cosponsors (91)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 7/28/2008 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties.

84. H.R.22 : To make appropriations for military construction and family housing projects for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2007, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Cole, Tom [OK-4] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (43)
Committees: House Appropriations
Latest Major Action: 1/4/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Appropriations.

85. H.R.25 : To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States.
Sponsor: Rep Linder, John [GA-7] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (72)
Committees: House Ways and Means
Latest Major Action: 1/4/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

86. H.R.37 : To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to encourage businesses to improve math and science education at elementary and secondary schools.
Sponsor: Rep Ehlers, Vernon J. [MI-3] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (16)
Committees: House Ways and Means
Latest Major Action: 1/4/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

87. H.R.65 : To provide for the recognition of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep McIntyre, Mike [NC-7] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (215)
Committees: House Natural Resources; Senate Indian Affairs
House Reports: 110-164; Senate Reports: 110-409
Latest Major Action: 7/8/2008 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 865.

88. H.R.71 : To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to repeal the requirement that persons making disbursements for electioneering communications file reports on such disbursements with the Federal Election Commission and the prohibition against the making of disbursements for electioneering communications by corporations and labor organizations, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. [MD-6] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (7)
Committees: House Administration
Latest Major Action: 1/4/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.

89. H.R.73 : To protect the right to obtain firearms for security, and to use firearms in defense of self, family, or home, and to provide for the enforcement of such right.
Sponsor: Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. [MD-6] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (35)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 2/2/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

90. H.R.82 : To amend title II of the Social Security Act to repeal the Government pension offset and windfall elimination provisions.
Sponsor: Rep Berman, Howard L. [CA-28] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (352)
Committees: House Ways and Means
Latest Major Action: 1/11/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Social Security.

91. H.R.87 : To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve and expand education savings accounts.
Sponsor: Rep Biggert, Judy [IL-13] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (33)
Committees: House Ways and Means
Latest Major Action: 1/4/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

92. H.R.89 : To amend title 10, United States Code, to extend eligibility for combat-related special compensation paid to certain uniformed services retirees who are retired under chapter 61 of such title with fewer than 20 years of creditable service.
Sponsor: Rep Bilirakis, Gus M. [FL-9] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (45)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 1/25/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.

93. H.R.137 : To amend title 18, United States Code, to strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Gallegly, Elton [CA-24] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (303)
Committees: House Judiciary; House Agriculture
House Reports: 110-27 Part 1
Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 110-22 [GPO: Text, PDF]

94. H.R.165 : To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to reduce the depreciation recovery period for roof systems.
Sponsor: Rep Jindal, Bobby [LA-1] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (1)
Committees: House Ways and Means
Latest Major Action: 1/4/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

95. H.R.197 : To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a 5-year extension of the credit for electricity produced from certain renewable resources.
Sponsor: Rep Pomeroy, Earl [ND] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (135)
Committees: House Ways and Means
Latest Major Action: 1/4/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

96. H.R.232 : To amend title 5, United States Code, to deny Federal retirement benefits to individuals convicted of certain offenses, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Terry, Lee [NE-2] (introduced 1/4/2007)      Cosponsors (34)
Committees: House Oversight and Government Reform
Latest Major Action: 1/4/2007 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

97. H.R.241 : To amend title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to improve access and choice for entrepreneurs with small businesses with respect to medical care for their employees.
Sponsor: Rep Johnson, Sam [TX-3] (introduced 1/5/2007)      Cosponsors (68)
Committees: House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 5/9/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions.

98. H.R.269 : To amend title 10, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Defense to prohibit the unauthorized use of names and images of members of the Armed Forces.
Sponsor: Rep Boren, Dan [OK-2] (introduced 1/5/2007)      Cosponsors (38)
Committees: House Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 2/1/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.

99. H.R.322 : To derive human pluripotent stem cell lines using techniques that do not harm human embryos.
Sponsor: Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. [MD-6] (introduced 1/9/2007)      Cosponsors (131)
Committees: House Energy and Commerce
Latest Major Action: 2/2/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.

100. H.R.324 : To increase the minimum wage, to provide access to health care coverage to employees of small businesses, and to preserve American jobs.
Sponsor: Rep McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" [CA-25] (introduced 1/9/2007)      Cosponsors (35)
Committees: House Education and Labor; House Ways and Means
Latest Major Action: 5/9/2007 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions.