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Agenda - Energy

America needs a stable supply of energy at affordable prices. Unfortunately, our energy policy to date has brought us neither. Chuck, a member of the Energy Committee, believes that we can neither drill nor conserve our way out of the energy crisis, and that a serious and comprehensive plan means producing more energy and finding new ways to conserve energy. That means developing alternative sources of energy, conserving oil, finding new ways to produce and import power, and creating real competition among energy providers.

  • Producing More, Cleaner Power: Chuck believes New York needs to harness new technology to create new sources of power, like the Spagnoli Road Energy Center who's low-emission dual turbine system made it the first Long Island Power Plant ever endorsed by the Natural Resources Defense Council. Chuck also supported the construction of ten new temporary power plants for New York City in the winter and spring of 2001.

  • Savings Through Conservation: Chuck also introduced legislation to make SUVs and minivans more fuel efficient, helping bring down gas prices and saving up to 1,000,000 barrels of oil per day. As part of the larger effort to increase conservation, Chuck called for a new program that could save energy and, at the same time, help New Yorkers save money on their air conditioners.

  • Improving Our Infrastructure: Chuck worked to resolve the differences blocking the construction of the Cross Sound Cable that would connect Connecticut and Long Island, creating a two way transmission line that would boost the power capacity of both areas.

  • Protecting the Environment: Energy policy can have serious effects on the environment, and it's important that we address those concerns in a reasonable manner. Chuck worked to ban the use of the dangerous gasoline additive MTBE first on Long Island and then throughout the state and now he's leading the charge against ethanol mandates that will hurt our air and raise gas prices at the same time.

  • Making Power Affordable: Chuck also authored legislation to allow the use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help address short-term problems when they arise. He's fought Niagara Mohawk and the state Public Service Commission to protect Western New York from unfair price hikes, and called for increased LIHEAP funding to expand the program and help low income families keep warm during a home-heating emergency.

For a complete index of press releases on energy, please click here.

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