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Agenda - Education

The centerpiece of Chuck's education plan is his "Marshall Plan for Teachers." Good schools need good teachers and America's schools simply don't have enough. With retirement on the rise and fewer young people joining the profession, far too many school districts have been forced to rely heavily on uncertified teachers. The Schumer plan calls for a massive training and recruitment effort to deal with the problem. Chuck also authored several key amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that will boost teacher recruitment especially in the key fields of math and science.

America's system of higher education is the envy of the world. Unfortunately, with tuition skyrocketing college is something that too many middle class families just can't afford. That's why Chuck worked to pass legislation making a portion of college tuition tax deductible for the first time in history. Chuck is currently fighting for legislation that would more than double the amount of tuition families can deduct from their taxes.

For a complete index of press releases on education, please click here.

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