Thursday, November 10, 2005
Politics and Science

Waxman, Durbin Urge Conference Committee to Protect Scientific Research from Cronyism

Rep. Waxman, Sen. Durbin, and more than thirty Members of Congress today urged the Conferees on the FY 2006 Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill to include in the final version of the legislation strong provisions to protect federal science from inappropriate political influence.

The Durbin provision, which was included in the Senate version of the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill, ensures that the information provided to the American people by the federal government is based on honest, accurate and objective scientific research, not political ideology. The House of Representatives passed a similar provision authored by Representative Waxman.

The Senate amendment prohibits the use of federal funds to ask candidates for appointment to scientific advisory committees to disclose their voting history, their political affiliation, or their opinions on unrelated political topics. The amendment also bars the dissemination of scientific information that is deliberately false or misleading.

“Science is not liberal or conservative. It is not Democratic or Republican,” Rep. Waxman said. “In order to develop the best policy, our government needs to hear the facts from the most qualified experts, regardless of their political views.”

“We are ill-served when the federal government picks scientific and medical experts to serve our nation based on politics instead of qualifications. There is no room in America’s research labs for political cronies,” Sen. Durbin said.

Public health, safety, and environmental protection organizations representing over a million members will also send a letter to Conferees urging support for the Durbin amendment.