
From the nationally recognized dairy farms in Erath County to the rich farm and ranch land in the southern counties of the district, agriculture is one of the leading sources of revenue in Texas’ 31st District.

For this reason, I believe that it is important to support our hardworking farmers and ranchers.  I hope Congress will come together and pass a Farm Bill that can become permanent law, benefiting producers, consumers and taxpayers.

I am a supporter of free trade as long as it is fair trade.  Over a quarter of our revenues in agriculture come from export markets which makes trade an important component of United States Agriculture.  American exported goods face heavy tariffs, which can run as high as 35 percent for our manufactured goods and even higher for our agricultural products, putting our Texas farmers, ranchers, workers and small businesses at a severe disadvantage.  I will continue to work hard to support trade legislation that will benefit the people of the 31st District.

Related Documents:

Press Release - CARTER HAILS PASSAGE OF 2007 FARM BILL 5.14.2008

Press Release - CARTER HAILS PASSAGE OF 2007 FARM BILL 5.13.2008

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