House Committee on Education and Labor
U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon
Ranking Member

Fiscally responsible reforms for students, workers and retirees.


Labor Issues

Health Care

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of Americans who have no health insurance increased to more than 46 million in 2005.  The rising cost of health insurance premiums is the biggest factor in this decline and the number one problem facing small business in this country.  Estimates indicate 60 percent or more of the working uninsured work for or depend on small employers who lack the ability to provide health benefits for their workers.  Working families should not have to face the struggles of everyday life without health insurance.  All Americans should have affordable health insurance coverage options, and House Republicans are committed to creating affordable options to help uninsured working families.

Republicans are dedicated to reaching innovative solutions for both uninsured Americans and small businesses that often are harmed and even put out of business by the soaring costs of health care and complex bureaucratic systems.  As in years past, House Republicans will continue to advocate for and support legislation that improves access to health care for uninsured working families by creating association health plans (AHPs) that allow small businesses to join together to purchase health insurance at a lower cost.  With the anticipated House Democrat-driven legislation to raise the federal minimum wage – as well as other legislation sure to negatively impact small business owners and employees during the 110th Congress – Committee Republicans will continue to promote small business solutions such as AHPs.

Press Releases

McKeon Statement on ADA Amendments Act (June 18, 2008)

McKeon Touts Republican Economic Plan (June 11, 2008)

McKeon Welcomes Passage of Genetic Nondiscrimination Legislation (May 1, 2008)

Please click here for more Press Releases

Fact Sheets

Democrats Reject Bipartisan Mental Health Parity
Reforms in Favor of Costly New Mandates
(March 5, 2008)

The Working Families Wage & Access to Health Care Act (January 10, 2007)

House Republicans Will Fight to Ensure that Any Minimum Wage Package Protects Small Businesses and their Workers (January 10, 2007)

Please click here for more Fact Sheets

Dear Colleagues

Two Reasons Why NOT to use DSM for Coverage Purposes (March 5, 2008)

Employers Favor a Responsible Mental Health Parity Bill (March 5, 2008)

On the Minimum Wage, There IS a Better Way (January 9, 2007)

Floor Statements

Boustany Statement on Genetic Information Non Discrimination Act (H.R. 493) (April 25, 2007)

McKeon Statement on Fair Minimum Wage Act (H.R. 2) (January 10, 2007)

Committee Statements

McKeon Statement: Markup of H.R. 2744, the “Airline Flight Crew Technical Corrections Act” (May 14, 2008)

Wilson Statement: Hearing on H.R. 3582, the “Fair Health Care Act” (October 25, 2007)

McKeon Statement: Markup of “The Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007” (July 18, 2007)